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Comments, ratings, discussions, articles, polls, or a bug tracker

The Response module allows you to interact with your visitors. Users can post comments or a rate your content. Additionally, there is an option to create your own of content type modules by adding a custom XML based content type configuration file and templates.

The Response module comes with 4 preconfigured content types:


Discussions is a content type allowing your users to post their questions. You can use it for a support forum.

Bug Tracker

Bug tracker is for bug reports. Users can report problems and issues in your products.


Articles is a content type for user submitted articles. Allowing your visitors to post guides and reviews.


Poll is a content type for polls. Allowing your users to post and vote in polls.

Community Made Easy

Easy Registration

Contentteller makes it easy to register on your website with the half registrations option. A half registration account is a user account without an email. Users can register with just providing a user name.

Half registrations user accounts are set to queued by default. Postings and ratings of queued accounts will not show up in the public until the account has been approved manually.

Contentteller supports alternately also user validation. Users can validate their accounts over email or SMS verification (requires paid external service).

Users can upload their custom avatar based on the user groups settings. There is also an option to moderate newly uploaded avatars before they show up in the public.

The easiest way to register on a website. Just provide a username

Flat, Threaded, or both

Contentteller offers three different display modes for comments and postings.

The first and default display option is threaded. Threaded will display replies to the main topic as a main discussion while replies to postings will be displays as sub-discussions. This will reduce the numbers of quoted posting and duplicate content dramatically after postings will be displayed in the correct order.

Listing is a more traditional threaded display mode. Showing all postings as a listing where users can select and expand single postings within the thread. 

Last but not least is the linear mode. Linear will sort all postings in a linear/flat order from bottom to top and will automatically quote the referring posting (if necessary) allowing a fluid transition between threaded and flat modes.

A discussion in listing mode

Image Gallery, WYSIWYG, Push Notifications

Contentteller makes it easy for photographers to present their pictures. Uploading images to the first posting in a discussion will automatically generate a thumbnail gallery allowing users to showcasing their latest images.

Users can use the WYSIWYG editor to change the format of the headings, adding tables, lists, emojis, and icons. The attachment function also includes an image editor, which allows the user to crop and rotate the image, adding markups, changing the colors etc.

Users can also post videos from streaming services such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Contentteller has support for push notification to notify users if someone has replied to a comment or discussion. There is also an option available for a daily email digest.

An automatically generated thumbnail gallery

Discover New Content

Contentteller give the users multiple ways to discover community content. There are options to show the latest content, content based on keywords that the user specify, or the postings of the last week.

Community content can be also sorted by category. The optional category tab gives an overview of all categories including the last four content titles in each category.

Each category can be configured to be readable only to certain usergroups. For example, you can setup a category just for moderators. It is also possible to limit the ability to post new topics.

The typeahead search in the upper right hand corner gives users the ability to search the database without leaving the current page.

Add your 5 favorite topics to the interests page to get a customized feed

GDPR Compliant Antispam

Contentteller offers a fully EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant antispam solution without the need of a data processing agreement.

While other antispam solutions on the market are submitting personal data such the IP and email address to external servers, Contentteller will process everything over a local antispam database.

The antispam database can be updated hourly with the latest definitions from the FireHOL abusers database and StopForumSpam.

Contentteller has also support for Geolocation to determine the users country and city. There is also an option to anonymize the IP address of the users by setting the last octet of IPv4 IP addresses and the last 80 bits of IPv6 IP addresses to zeros.

A list of blacklisted IP addresses in the antispam database