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Working with Content Types

Creating you own content types (Part 3)

Real Estate Example

Let's create a basic publish content type for real estate agents. First we need to create a new custom content type XML file /data/ctypes/p1000_realestate.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <name>Real Estate</name>
        <about>A content type for real estate</about>
            <description>Enter here a title for the new property</description>
            <error>The title field is blank. Please fill in a title.</error>
            <description>Enter here the address of the property</description>
            <error>The address field is blank. Please fill in an address.</error>
            <text>Property Description</text>
            <description>Enter here the property description</description>
            <error>The property description field is blank. Please fill in the property description.</error>
            <description>Select the type of property</description>
            <type>dropdown,Single Family,Multi Family,Condo,Mobile,Land</type>
            <description>Select here the number of badrooms</description>
            <type>dropdown,None,1 bedroom,2 bedrooms,3 bedrooms,4 bedrooms,5 bedrooms,6 bedrooms</type>
            <description>Select here the number of bathrooms</description>
            <type>dropdown,None,1 bathroom,2 bathrooms,3 bathrooms,4 bathrooms</type>
            <text>Year Built</text>
            <description>Enter here the year the property has been built</description>
            <error>The year built field is blank. Please fill in a year.</error>
            <description>Select here the number of parking spaces</description>
            <type>dropdown,None,1 space,2 spaces,3 spaces,4 spaces</type>
            <description>Select here the date this property has been added to the database</description>
            <error>The date field is blank.</error>
Now create a custom theme under Themes => Create New Theme to add custom templates to your website.

You need to add the following 4 templates: 
          <!-- Template: realestate -->
          <article class="site-post site-post-next">
              <h2 class="site-post-title"><a href="{%website_url%}/property/{%seo%}/"{%website_target%}>{%title%}</a></h2>
              <p class="site-post-meta">{%icon%}{%categories%} <i class="far fa-clock"></i> <time datetime="{%date_utc%}" prettydate>{%date%}</time> <i class="fas fa-bed"></i>{%beds%} <i class="fas fa-bath"></i> {%baths%}


          <!-- Template: realestate_headline -->
          <div class="site-post site-post-headline{%alt%}">
            <time datetime="{%date_utc%}">{%date_small%}</time> {%icon%}<a href="{%website_url%}/property/{%seo%}/"{%website_target%}>{%title%}</a>
          <!-- Template: realestate_property -->
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="{%base%}/assets/css/colorbox.min.css?ver={%css_version%}" integrity="{%checksum_colorbox-min-css%}" crossorigin="anonymous" />
          <script async src="{%base%}/assets/js/jquery.colorbox.min.js?ver={%css_version%}" integrity="{%checksum_jquery-colorbox-min-js%}" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
          <script async src="{%base%}/assets/js/contentteller.images.min.js?ver={%css_version%}" integrity="{%checksum_contentteller-images-min-js%}" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
          <script src="{%css_version%}" integrity="{%checksum_jquery-jscroll-min-js%}" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
          <article itemscope itemtype="">
            <div itemprop="publisher" itemscope itemtype="">
              <meta itemprop="name" content="{%publisher%}" />
              <div itemprop="logo" itemscope itemtype="">
                <meta itemprop="url" content="{%base%}/data/themes/{%theme_name%}/images/logo.png" />
            <div itemprop="image" itemscope itemtype="">
              <meta itemprop="url" content="{%itemprop_image%}" />
            <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="{%datepublished%}" />
            <meta itemprop="dateModified" content="{%datemodified%}" />{%aggregaterating%}

                <h2 class="site-post-title"><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="{%website_url%}/object/{%seo%}/"><span itemprop="headline">{%title%}</span></a></h2>

            <ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="EstateTab">
              <li{%main_tab_init%}><a href="{%website_url%}/property/{%seo%}/#info" data-toggle="tab">Information</a></li>{%content_ratings_tab%}{%content_comments_tab%}{%related_tab%}

            <div class="tab-content">
              <div class="tab-pane fade{%main_tab%}" id="info">
              <br />
              <article itemprop="articleBody">
                  <h4>About this Property:</h4>
                  <br />
                  <h4>Property Details:</h4>
                  <table class="table table-striped">
                    <td>Year Built</td>


    <!-- Template: realestate_print -->
    <h4>Property Details:</h4>
    <table class="table table-striped">
    <td>Year Built</td>
    <hr />
    Printed from: <a href="{%website_url%}/property/{%seo%}/">{%website_url%}/property/{%seo%}/</a>
That's it. Your new Real Estate content type is now ready to use.

Now you can add or edit your real estate offerings:


and this is how it look like from the front end:


It is really that easy to create your custom types