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You entered the wrong security code

cosmin 269
From: -
When enabling CT's native captcha this seems to happen regardless of how many times I type it (not to mention it doesn't get replaced if I refresh the page).


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
OP 269
From: -
To be honest recaptcha is kind of annoying, and non-technical people I've spoken to hate spambot checks (they don't even know what they're for). Which means that they are unlikely to comment or otherwise interact with websites that use them.
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
From: Austria
By the way, are the pictures in the code generated on the spot or are there some pictures I can change, like in ST?

They are generated by PHP on the fly using the GD library. Contentteller supports also reCAPTCHA as an alternative.

To enable reCAPTCHA:
1) Sign up here
2) Settings => Website Settings and scroll down to the end of the page

Enable reCAPTCHA? => Yes
reCAPTCHA API Public key => Enter here your public key
reCAPTCHA API Private key => Enter here your private key

You get both keys from the reCAPTCHA website
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
OP 269
From: -
Well if they did, they did not notify me about it. Maybe it was a browser caching problem, hard to tell. Anyway, it may not hurt to implement the fix you proposed for the other modules that use a verification code as well (articles, files, etc).
By the way, are the pictures in the code generated on the spot or are there some pictures I can change, like in ST?
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
From: Austria
I hate when that kind of stuff happens.

Perhaps the web hosting company change something in the server configuration? A full/not writeable session directory could cause problems with the security code.
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
From: Austria
I as not able to reproduce this error on your site. Could be a bug in a specific form.

On which form (exact url) do you have the problem with the wrong security code?
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
OP 269
From: -
It's done. But I had already given you my login data.
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
From: Austria
Can you enable security code on your installation? I need to take a look.
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
OP 269
From: -
The image doesn't get updated at all. I uploaded the modified file according to your instructions and tried to submit a piece of news. I then tried to submit a second one, but the generated code was the same as the one generated for the first.
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
From: Austria
Can you try the following? Open /modules/news/newssecurityimage.php in an editor and replace:

          header( "Content-type: image/png" );

              header( "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" );
header( "Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );
header( "Content-type: image/png" );

Now try the captcha image in the news module again. Does it work with this modification?
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
OP 269
From: -
www. with the IE rendering mode.
To be honest it may be some IE caching error, I don't know; although recaptcha refreshes correctly. Maybe add a refresh button for the visual code generated by Contentteller.
1 Re: You entered the wrong security code
From: Austria
Which browser are you using?


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