Wrong time
beo 0
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1 Re: Wrong time
From: Austria
1342From: Austria
Wrong time
Add at the top (after global $insert of the story, news_col_news and news templates the following code:
You find the HTML code in template story
I have moved site to US host and now 'Posted' time is wrong. (im CET) Any way to fix this in free version?
Add at the top (after global $insert of the story, news_col_news and news templates the following code:
$offset = 3600 * 6; // 6 hours
$story_time = strtotime($insert[story_time]) + $offset;
$insert[story_time] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$story_time);
Also I would like to know how reduce space between Main and Extended News. Its always 3 lines. I want it 2..
You find the HTML code in template story
I have moved site to US host and now 'Posted' time is wrong. (im CET) Any way to fix this in free version?
Also I would like to know how reduce space between Main and Extended News. Its always 3 lines. I want it 2.. thx
[Edited by beo on 2007-06-15 01:44:00]