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Where do you find a list of valid content commands?

ehume 2
From: -
I would like to see a list of valid content commands. Commands like (square bracket)center(square bracket)content(square bracket)/center(square bracket), (square bracket)b(square bracket)content(square bracket)/b(square bracket), etc.

In particular, the content command (square bracket)/url=http://etc.(square bracket)content(square bracket)/url(square bracket) in Contentteller provides a direct link to the url. In vBulletin systems, (square bracket)/url=http://etc.(square bracket)content(square bracket)/url(square bracket) opens the link in a new tab or window. I would like to find a way to open links in news tabs/windows. [link_open]content[/link_open] and [url_open]content[/url_open]do not work. So I need to discover what will open a link in a new tab/window.

Beyond my immediate concern, I would like to be able to look up all the valid content commands. One of them might give me a great idea . . .



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1 Re: Where do you find a list of valid content commands?
OP 2
From: -
Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted.
1 Re: Where do you find a list of valid content commands?
From: Austria
I would like to find a way to open links in news tabs/windows. [link_open]content[/link_open] and [url_open]content[/url_open]do not work. So I need to discover what will open a link in a new tab/window.

This is an option under Settings => News Settings


Beyond my immediate concern, I would like to be able to look up all the valid content commands.

The following commands are supported:
[ quote ] [ /quote ]
[ code ] [ /code ]
[ b ] [ /b ]
[ i ] [ /i ]
[ u ] [ /u ]
[ marquee ] [ /marquee ]
[ s ] [ /s ]
[ sup ] [ /sup ]
[ sub ]
[ tt ] [ /tt ]
[ center ] [ /center ]
[ left ] [ /left ]
[ right ] [ /right ]
[ lefttext ] [ /lefttext ]
[ righttext ] [ /righttext ]
[ img ] [ /img]
[ imgleft ] [/imgleft ]
[ imgright ] [ /imgright ]
[ url ] [ /url ]
[ url= ] [ /url ]
[ email= ] [ /email ]
[ font= ] [ /font ]
[ color= ] [ /color ]


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