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What are some of the basics in the Basic Style Editor?

Morgain 37
From: -
This is what I worked out on the Styles (Basic Editor) - might save others time.
But I can't find how to edit the dropdowns on the horizontal navig bar.

Page Setup:
BOX 1 = ?
BOX 2 = ?
BOX 3 = Page width 95%.
BOX 4 = Margin Top. 0px.
BOX 6 = Margin Bottom.
BOX 6 = Height of header area (70)

BOX 1 = background side strips.
BOX 2 = select a background image from dropdown list.
BOX 3 =
BOX 4 = Border style (solid/ dashed etc)
BOX 5 = Border style (width)
Row 2
BOX 1 = Default font (Georgia)
BOX 2 = Font weight (Normal, Bold etc)
BOX 3 = Font size
BOX 4 = Text shadow

Main content:
BOX 1 = background behind main content boxed areas.
Primary main header:
BOX 1 = background on the right of the logo in the header.

Secondary main header: NAVIGATION BAR
BOX 1 = Background colour of Navig. bar #6d3f03
BOX 2 = Graphic from dropdown.
BOX 3 = Colour of border #ffcc00
BOX 4 = Border width 1px
BOX 6 = Colour of Navigation titles #6d3f03
Row 2
BOX 1 = Default font (Georgia)
BOX 2 = Font weight (Normal)
BOX 3 = Font size (Default)
BOX 4 = Text shadow (Default)

Status bar header: “Welcome to our website” STRIP
Status bar content: Description STRIP

Background, border, font color.


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: What are some of the basics in the Basic Style Editor?
OP 37
From: -

The height is too high to match XF and I also want the login link moved from the page content area up on the bat - preferably align right. (I posted separately on this point)
1 Re: What are some of the basics in the Basic Style Editor?
From: Austria
Unfortunately, there is no option to edit the height of the horizontal navigation bar yet.

However, you can also override elements with the CSS option (tab 6). What exactly you want to change? The bar itself or the menu?
1 Re: What are some of the basics in the Basic Style Editor?
OP 37
From: -
How do I control the Height of the horizontal navigation bar (items displayed as below)



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