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Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles

mishima 145
From: -

I'm trying to add the ADDTHIS toolbar to the top of a news story or article but because ADDTHIS uses div tags CT doesn't like it.

At the top we have the the title, author, date and time etc well we want to add a new section with ADDTHIS within it. Is there are a way to do this without the the source code going crazy because its a div within a div?



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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
From: Austria
No, only on the article summary page.
1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
OP 145
From: -
Does it have to go on these pages? I have tried to add it in 'articles_pages' with the above social buttons but it will not diplay!
1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
From: Austria
This was already part of Contentteller 2.1.3. You find this option under news/articles settings under "Other"

Show Facebook Recommended button? => Yes

You may need to add {$insert['newsstory_facebook']} to your news_story_extended and {$insert['article_facebook']} to your articles_summary templates.
1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
OP 145
From: -
Thanks Philipp the 2nd one worked a treat Smiling Face

I've been looking at getting the Facebook "like" button onto each article and news story but you are only able to create code for a specified URL :

Any idea how it can be implemented?
1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
From: Austria
The following two possibilities should work


<!-- Template: articles_pages -->
<h1>{$insert['article_title']} {$insert['article_edit']} {$insert['article_rating_line']}</h1>
<div class="authorfont"><b>Editor</b>: {$insert['article_author']} (<i>{$insert['article_extra3']}</i> Winking Face &nbsp;<b>Date</b>: {$insert['article_date']} &nbsp; <a href="{$insert['param_ext']}{$insert['param_ct']}articles{$insert['param_action']}pagesprinter{$insert['param_page']}{$insert['article_seo']},{$insert['articlepage_page']}.html" rel="nofollow"></a><a href="{$insert['param_ext']}{$insert['param_ct']}articles{$insert['param_action']}summary{$insert['param_page']}{$insert['article_seo']}.html">{$insert['article_comments']} Comment(s)</a> - <a href="{$forum_link}">Join the discussion here</a>
<br /><br />
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone"></a>
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<a class="addthis_button_email"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[/URL]"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->


<!-- Template: articles_pages -->
<h1>{$insert['article_title']} {$insert['article_edit']} {$insert['article_rating_line']}</h1>
<div class="authorfont"><b>Editor</b>: {$insert['article_author']} (<i>{$insert['article_extra3']}</i> Winking Face &nbsp;<b>Date</b>: {$insert['article_date']} &nbsp; <a href="{$insert['param_ext']}{$insert['param_ct']}articles{$insert['param_action']}pagesprinter{$insert['param_page']}{$insert['article_seo']},{$insert['articlepage_page']}.html" rel="nofollow"></a><a href="{$insert['param_ext']}{$insert['param_ct']}articles{$insert['param_action']}summary{$insert['param_page']}{$insert['article_seo']}.html">{$insert['article_comments']} Comment(s)</a> - <a href="{$forum_link}">Join the discussion here</a></div>
<div class="content">
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone"></a>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="[/URL]"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END --></div>
1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
OP 145
From: -
Sure its below. When posted this causes duplications of <h1> which is just the border and black bg for a section.

<!-- Template: articles_pages -->
<h1>{$insert['article_title']} {$insert['article_edit']} {$insert['article_rating_line']}</h1>
<div class="authorfont"><b>Editor</b>: {$insert['article_author']} (<i>{$insert['article_extra3']}</i> Winking Face &nbsp;<b>Date</b>: {$insert['article_date']} &nbsp; <a href="{$insert['param_ext']}{$insert['param_ct']}articles{$insert['param_action']}pagesprinter{$insert['param_page']}{$insert['article_seo']},{$insert['articlepage_page']}.html" rel="nofollow"></a><a href="{$insert['param_ext']}{$insert['param_ct']}articles{$insert['param_action']}summary{$insert['param_page']}{$insert['article_seo']}.html">{$insert['article_comments']} Comment(s)</a> - <a href="{$forum_link}">Join the discussion here</a></div>
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone"></a>
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END --></h1>
1 Re: Trying to put ADDTHIS at top of articles
From: Austria
This should be no problem. Can you post the HTML code of the changed template?


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