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Trouble with review_header updating

insanetek 0
From: -
Trouble with review_header updating

I tried to add some text into the "templates/review_header.tmp.php" file but when I uploaded the changed file and clicked refresh it was still the same. I made sure the file on the server was indeed the changed file so I am unsure of why it is not updating.


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1 Re: Trouble with review_header updating
From: Austria
Trouble with review_header updating

You need to set the full path to your installation at Other / Websites => Edit => Website URL (with http://), for example:  http://localhost/storyteller-test/, or the clear cache feature will not work.
1 Re: Trouble with review_header updating
OP 0
From: -
Trouble with review_header updating

When I click clear cache in the review section all I get is a blank frame? Also it said that it could not find acache.php so I copied the one from the root directory to the cadmin directory and now I get the blank frame.

I'll try disabling the cache, thanks.
1 Re: Trouble with review_header updating
From: Austria
Trouble with review_header updating

You uploaded the template over ftp? In this case you need to:

1) Clear the cache with Review/Clear Cache in cadmin


2) Disabing the cache while you working on your site. You can disable the cache under Other/Config => Using Cache (Recommend) => No


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