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"This file does not exist" when following the link from the frontpage

cosmin 269
From: -
But it is there. I even edited it and the CMS said it was successfully updated.


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1 Re: "This file does not exist" when following the link from the frontpage
OP 269
From: -
Status is downloadable for all, if that's what you mean. It was imported using submit pad, and then approved. But all the PAD files from that domain ( seem to have issues, like I said in another topic.
1 Re: "This file does not exist" when following the link from the frontpage
From: Austria
Can you check the status of the file (under Advanced => Status)?
1 Re: "This file does not exist" when following the link from the frontpage
From: Austria
Where do you get this error? Can you send me an example url?


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