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template into layout

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1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

That's the HTML output of your script:
                              $bz_output .= "    <strong><span class="style2">$date</span></strong> - <span class="style1"><a href="$myrow->story_id">$myrow->story_title</a><br></span>";

1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout


whats that?
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
i tryd to put <? and ?> in it but then nothing will be vissible.
I want to have a templte with

$last5news = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_stories ORDER BY story_time DESC LIMIT 0 , 5");
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_object($last5news)) {
$date = substr($myrow->story_time, 0, 10);
$date = explode("-", $date);
$date = $date[2]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[0];
echo (" <strong><span class="style2">$date</span></strong> - <span class="style1"><a href="$myrow->story_id">$myrow->story_title</a><br></span>");

You need to add the code at the top of site_header template:

global $insert;

$last5news = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_stories ORDER BY story_time DESC LIMIT 0 , 5");
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_object($last5news)) {
$date = substr($myrow->story_time, 0, 10);
$date = explode("-", $date);
$date = $date[2]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[0];
$bz_output .= " <strong><span class="style2">$date</span></strong> - <span class="style1"><a href="$myrow->story_id">$myrow->story_title</a><br></span>";

Then add $bz_output in the HTML part of the template where the last 5 stories should be displayed.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

i tryd to put <? and ?> in it but then nothing will be vissible.
I want to have a templte with

$last5news = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_stories ORDER BY story_time DESC LIMIT 0 , 5");
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_object($last5news)) {
$date = substr($myrow->story_time, 0, 10);
$date = explode("-", $date);
$date = $date[2]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[0];
echo ("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><span class="style2">$date</span></strong> - <span class="style1"><a href="$myrow->story_id">$myrow->story_title</a><br></span>");

in it... how does it work?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

Dear piliph
i was working on a new design but i tried some tips u gave me..

like making an own template. I Made one nieuws.tmp.php
U told me to use

echo GetTemplate("nieuws");

But this is just visble as plain text :S
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

hmzz i'll try Winking Face
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

This will include the login_header_user and login_header_anon templates into the left menu Smiling Face
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

but i dunt want this to open into a template I want this to open in the menu at the left..
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Then you can put your code in the template login_header_user and login_header_anon
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

and then :S
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
<font face="verdana" size="1"> Welkom $insert[login_name]<br>
Je Laatste Bezoek was <br> op:$insert[login_last]<p>

Er zijn sinds je laatste <br> bezoek: <p> <a href="">$insert[login_newscount] Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten</a> <br>
<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_threadcount] Nieuwe Forum Posts</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_pms] Prive Berichten. </a> <br> Gepost.<p>
Je mag:<br>
<a href="">Nieuws insturen</a><br>
<a href="">Reviews insturen</a><br>
<a href="">Links insturen</a><br>

<p> <a href="">Log Uit</a><p>

Replace this code with

1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

dear philip shure the template code is:

global $insert;
if ($_COOKIE[esselbachst])
$ldata = addslashes(base64_decode($_COOKIE[esselbachst]));
$ldata = explode (":!:", $ldata);
$insert[login_name] = stripslashes($ldata[0]);

if (file_exists("cache/pm/user-$insert[login_name].cah.php"))

if (file_exists("cache/pm/userlast-$insert[login_name].cah.php"))

if ($insert[login_time] < mktime())

if ($insert[login_time])
$llast = $insert[login_time] - 3600;
$insert[login_last] = date("Y-m-m H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("Y-m-m H:i:s", mktime());
$query = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_stories WHERE story_hook = '0' AND story_time > ('$insert[login_last]') AND story_time < ('$insert[login_current]')");
$insert[login_newscount] = mysql_num_rows($query);

if (file_exists("bbwrapper.php"))
$insert[login_threadcount] = BBLastTopics($llast);
$query = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_forumsthreads WHERE thread_endtime > ('$insert[login_last]')");
$insert[login_threadcount] = mysql_num_rows($query);

MiniCache("cache/pm/userlast-$insert[login_name]", "<?php $insert[login_last] = "$insert[login_last]";n $insert[login_newscount] = "$insert[login_newscount]";n $insert[login_threadcount] = "$insert[login_threadcount]"; ?>");

if (file_exists("bbwrapper.php"))
$insert[login_pms] = BBPMs($insert[login_name]);
$query = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_pms WHERE pm_touser = '$ldata[0]' AND pm_new = '1'");
$insert[login_pms] = mysql_num_rows($query);
$insert[login_time] = mktime() + 3600;
MiniCache("cache/pm/user-$insert[login_name]", "<?php $insert[login_pms] = "$insert[login_pms]";n$insert[login_time] = "$insert[login_time]"; ?>");

$login_status = GetTemplate("login_header_user");
$login_status = GetTemplate("login_header_anon");
<!-- Template site_header -->

<TITLE> Geweld!</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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<TD background="images/index_08.gif" WIDTH=161 HEIGHT=568 ALT="" valign="top"><img src=""><p>
<font face="verdana" size="1">&nbsp;Welkom $insert[login_name]<br>
&nbsp;Je Laatste Bezoek was <br>&nbsp;op:$insert[login_last]<p>

&nbsp;Er zijn sinds je laatste <br>&nbsp;bezoek: <p>&nbsp;<a href="">$insert[login_newscount] Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten</a> <br>
&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_threadcount] Nieuwe Forum Posts</a>
&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_pms] Prive Berichten. </a> <br>&nbsp;Gepost.<p>
&nbsp;Je mag:<br>
&nbsp;<a href="">Nieuws insturen</a><br>
&nbsp;<a href="">Reviews insturen</a><br>
&nbsp;<a href="">Links insturen</a><br>

<p>&nbsp;<a href="">Log Uit</a><p>

<img src=""><br>
Hier komen de stats.

<TD background="images/index_09.gif" WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=568 ALT=""></TD>
<TD bgcolor="#ADBADA" WIDTH=549 HEIGHT=568 ALT="" valign="top">

now i want when cookie exist the code like it is now:

<font face="verdana" size="1">&nbsp;Welkom $insert[login_name]<br>
&nbsp;Je Laatste Bezoek was <br>&nbsp;op:$insert[login_last]<p>

&nbsp;Er zijn sinds je laatste <br>&nbsp;bezoek: <p>&nbsp;<a href="">$insert[login_newscount] Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten</a> <br>
&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_threadcount] Nieuwe Forum Posts</a>
&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_pms] Prive Berichten. </a> <br>&nbsp;Gepost.<p>
&nbsp;Je mag:<br>
&nbsp;<a href="">Nieuws insturen</a><br>
&nbsp;<a href="">Reviews insturen</a><br>
&nbsp;<a href="">Links insturen</a><br>

<p>&nbsp;<a href="">Log Uit</a><p>

<img src=""><br>

and when they not logged in (the cookie dont exist) i want:

<font face="verdana" size="1">&nbsp;Welkom Login please...><p>

<img src=""><br>

get it?

2:This layout is only for understanding the template thing (beta) the copyright will be included into the footer of the new layout, this one is still in development  Click here

1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

1) Can you post your site_header template?

2) Please restore the "Powered by" notice
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

no but that is cause the html i need to change is the site header..
1 Re: template into layout
From: -
template into layout

Have you edited the login_header_anon template?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

i dunt get it..:S

plz make an example :S
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

See the last lines in the login status script on the first page:
 $login_status = GetTemplate("login_header_user");

$login_status = GetTemplate("login_header_anon");

If the user is logged in, the template login_header_user will be used. If there is no cookie, the template login_header_anon will be used.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

what u mean with that? plz explain?
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

The script is using two different templates:

Logged in => login_header_user
Logged out => login_header_anon
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

u dont understand what i mean.

Plz look at
U see

U Laatste Bezoek was

Er zijn sinds u laatste

Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten
Nieuwe Forum Posts
Prive Berichten.

But as soon as your logged in (by example on account trackvlek) u see:

Welkom trackvlek
U Laatste Bezoek was
op:2004-08-08 20:03:51

Er zijn sinds u laatste

6 Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten
3 Nieuwe Forum Posts
12 Prive Berichten.

That comes because the code is:

&nbsp;Welkom $insert[login_name]<br>
&nbsp;U Laatste Bezoek was <br>&nbsp;op:$insert[login_last]<p>

&nbsp;Er zijn sinds u laatste <br>&nbsp;bezoek: <p>&nbsp;<a href="">$insert[login_newscount] Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten</a> <br>
&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_threadcount] Nieuwe Forum Posts</a>
&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">$insert[login_pms] Prive Berichten. </a> <br>&nbsp;Gepost.<p>

So when u're not logged in $insert[login_newscount] has no value so it stays empty. Like the example above

So what i want is:

When they logged in the way it is now:
Welkom trackvlek
U Laatste Bezoek was
op:2004-08-08 20:03:51

Er zijn sinds u laatste

6 Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten
3 Nieuwe Forum Posts
12 Prive Berichten.

and when they not logged in i only want the text
U not logged in.
Instead of

U Laatste Bezoek was

Er zijn sinds u laatste

Nieuwe Nieuwsberichten
Nieuwe Forum Posts
Prive Berichten.

U know what i mean?
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

This is what the script is doing? Are you using an older PHP version (< 4.1) ?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

oh noo wait u get me wrong..

that is a;; working. But i want as soon as they not logged in a text like u need to login..

so If cookie exist then welkom username blah blah
when not exist then the text u need to login.
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

You need to add the cookie script on the top of the template after:

global $insert;

Then you can use $login_status everywhere in the HTML part of the template to display the login status
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

thx 4 your reply's about that cookie thing i think it is working fine but its ehm about i dont know how to put it in my template..
Could u give an example?
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
1:Is it possible to make an own template? like a contact form or something?

Yes, you need create a file, for example: mytemplate.tmp.php with


global $insert;


** HTML content here **


and upload to your /templates directory.

Now you can use the template with the GetTemplate(); function. Example:
echo GetTemplate("mytemplate");

Originally posted by trackvlek:
2: Is it possible to make a news block from a catogory instad of the whole block reviews? cuz a made a cataogory: Interviews and i like to put
Newest intervieuws as a news block?

Only news can be sorted by category. However, you could modify core.php:

$result = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_review WHERE review_hook = '0' AND review_page = '1' ORDER BY review_id DESC LIMIT 10");

and replace with:
$result = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_review WHERE review_hook = '0' AND review_page = '1' AND review_category = 'XX' ORDER BY review_id DESC LIMIT 10");

Replace XX with the review category number

Originally posted by trackvlek:
3:That cookie aint working got an idea?

I don't know what this cause. I just tried the code on my test server and it seems to work fine. Which PHP version are your running?

Originally posted by trackvlek:
4: When ik make a catagory into reviews i see at the top
Reviews - Interviews

But i only like to put the catorory there instad Revieuws - [Catagory]
on what template this can be edited?

You need to change the template review_details_header
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

Dear phillipp got again a few questions.

1:Is it possible to make an own template? like a contact form or something?
2: Is it possible to make a news block from a catogory instad of the whole block reviews? cuz a made a cataogory: Interviews and i like to put
Newest intervieuws as a news block?
3:That cookie aint working got an idea?
4: When ik make a catagory into reviews i see at the top
Reviews - Interviews

But i only like to put the catorory there instad Revieuws - [Catagory]
on what template this can be edited?

1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

Originally posted by Philipp:
Originally posted by trackvlek:

Try changing the first line from:
 if ($_COOKIE[esselbachst])

 if ($_COOKIE[esselbachst] != 0)

Doesnt work...hmmzz.. got an idea?
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:

Try changing the first line from:
 if ($_COOKIE[esselbachst])

 if ($_COOKIE[esselbachst] != 0)

Originally posted by trackvlek:
btw philiip?
whe i go to news block the news block will appear on the mainsite
is it also possible to put the new block (in my case the 10 newest forum posts) on a place i prefer? by putting by example

$insert [newsblock1] or something like that?

Not in 1.x. Something like that is on the do list for version 2.0
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

btw philiip?
whe i go to news block the news block will appear on the mainsite
is it also possible to put the new block (in my case the 10 newest forum posts) on a place i prefer? by putting by example

$insert [newsblock1] or something like that?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
Okey, When you look at the left menu u will see
Welkom <username> u got 21.private messages etc.

But when the not logged in the php $inserts has no values so it wil be empty
u got private messages.

Did you used the code in post #774 (last posting on the first page) ?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

Originally posted by Philipp:
Originally posted by trackvlek:
stil bout question 2 :The menu i wanted to use the login_header_anon is at the FOOTER so do i also have to work with cookies? like u told me to do with the welkom $username etc?

I am not entirely sure what you want? Please explain it step by step

Okey, When you look at the left menu u will see
Welkom <username>
u got 21.private messages etc.

But when the not logged in the php $inserts has no values so it wil be empty
u got private messages.

so i would like to put the text u first need to login when they not logged in.
And as soon the logged in i want to have
Welkom username.
u got 21 private messages

So i figured out i need to do something with
If Cookie[Cookiename] exist
Echo Welkom $insert[username]
etc etc

u need to login first

Originally posted by trackvlek:
3:The login is correct, could you please take a look?

The problem is your layout. Any content larger that the left menu will break the layout

Damn u right, i didn't tested it enough :S
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
phillip in the news or stroy template isn't the date defined/

Only a insert[storydate] but were can i edit the way storydate is setup?

You need to add the following after global $insert; in the story/news template:
$insert[story_time] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($insert[story_time]));
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
stil bout question 2 :The menu i wanted to use the login_header_anon is at the FOOTER so do i also have to work with cookies? like u told me to do with the welkom $username etc?

I am not entirely sure what you want? Please explain it step by step

Originally posted by trackvlek:
3:The login is correct, could you please take a look?

The problem is your layout. Any content larger that the left menu will break the layout
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

phillip in the news or stroy template isn't the date defined/

Only a insert[storydate] but were can i edit the way storydate is setup?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

thx for ya reply phillpp

stil bout question 2 :The menu i wanted to use the login_header_anon is at the FOOTER so do i also have to work with cookies? like u told me to do with the welkom $username etc?

3:The login is correct, could you please take a look?


thx daniel
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

1.) Changing these lines will only break the "what's new" feature. Instead, you need to edit the story/news template to change the date format.

2.) The templates for the login statusbar are login_header_anon (not logged in) and login_header_user (logged in).

3.) Your login is not working. This is most likely a small html table issue
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

already fixed some problems with help of other forums... still got a view question i;ll post here (sorry that i post so much treads but i can't edit or delete my own :S)

So here are al my quesstion in one post:

1:when i look at the cookie there is

$insert[login_last] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime());

But i like to have first the day then month and then year But when i change

$insert[login_last] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime());


$insert[login_last] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", mktime());

Nothing is changing :S

2:is there a way to change the menu at the left? cuz when i add the $insert.....
it is working correctly when they logged in.
but when there not logged in there is.

welkom ...
U're last visite was....

There is standing nothing cus there aren't any cookies made so..Is it possible to put there also a line in like.U first need to login? And that that line will apear when there is no cookie saved?

3: Why kills my comment form my whole layout?

you can login with
and password=daniel
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout


its fucked up PLZ HELP!!
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

hey your link is fixed to the next page..

got another question.. pff :P

when i look at the cookie there is

$insert[login_last] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime());

But i like to have first day then month then year But when i change

$insert[login_last] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime());


$insert[login_last] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", mktime());

Nothing is changing :S
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