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template into layout

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1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

hey philipp thx..
just one thing i had to put your script into the footer instead of the header cuz my menu in in the site_footer.

Just got 2 another questions for you (i''m sorry :S)

is there a way to change the menu at the left? cuz when i add the $insert.....
it is working correctly when they logged in.
but when there not logged in there is.

welkom ...
U're last visite was....

There is standing nothing.Is it possible to put there also a line in like.U first need to login?

2: what is happining here :S
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Add the following in the site_header template after insert $global;

        if ($_COOKIE[esselbachst])

$ldata = addslashes(base64_decode($_COOKIE[esselbachst]));
$ldata = explode (":!:", $ldata);
$insert[login_name] = stripslashes($ldata[0]);

if (file_exists("cache/pm/user-$insert[login_name].cah.php"))

if (file_exists("cache/pm/userlast-$insert[login_name].cah.php"))

if ($insert[login_time] < mktime())

if ($insert[login_time])
$llast = $insert[login_time] - 3600;
$insert[login_last] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $llast);
$insert[login_current] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime());
$query = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_stories WHERE story_hook = '0' AND story_time > ('$insert[login_last]') AND story_time < ('$insert[login_current]')");
$insert[login_newscount] = mysql_num_rows($query);

if (file_exists("bbwrapper.php"))
$insert[login_threadcount] = BBLastTopics($llast);
$query = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_forumsthreads WHERE thread_endtime > ('$insert[login_last]')");
$insert[login_threadcount] = mysql_num_rows($query);

MiniCache("cache/pm/userlast-$insert[login_name]", "<?php $insert[login_last] = "$insert[login_last]";n $insert[login_newscount] = "$insert[login_newscount]";n $insert[login_threadcount] = "$insert[login_threadcount]"; ?>");

if (file_exists("bbwrapper.php"))
$insert[login_pms] = BBPMs($insert[login_name]);
$query = DBQuery("SELECT * FROM esselbach_st_pms WHERE pm_touser = '$ldata[0]' AND pm_new = '1'");
$insert[login_pms] = mysql_num_rows($query);
$insert[login_time] = mktime() + 3600;
MiniCache("cache/pm/user-$insert[login_name]", "<?php $insert[login_pms] = "$insert[login_pms]";n$insert[login_time] = "$insert[login_time]"; ?>");

$login_status = GetTemplate("login_header_user");
$login_status = GetTemplate("login_header_anon");

Now you can use $login_status for the login status line
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout


btw i translate every template into dutch.. interrested in having it? so u could maybe set up a dutch version?

DAMNZ?? what is my site doing?
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
Could you post that template changes so i can work it out??

I will try to post this tomorrow.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

heey philip,
that black line was because every template had a black background colour, i fixed that.

ehm the powered by wil be visseble in site when i'm done.

still got one question:
Some days ago i asked ya to have the login fields etc in my menu at the left.
And u told me u posted it later this week or something..

Could you post that template changes so i can work it out??

ps:sorry for my bad english by the way
1 Re: template into layout
From: -
template into layout

Remember the whole system is templated and that means you can customimze it to your design, liking, prefernce etc. This also means that you can change any of the sections such as "reviews" "Faq" "content" etc to be something different .....

Example: I use the content section as a directory for different online casinos....and the FAQ section I use as an opinion newspaper type article....I change the names of all the differnet blocks to what I customize them to be and it's like a whole customized system that functions by storyteller

That probably makes no sense, but you can check out my site to see the end results ....
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
hey btw what is the php file were i can fount all my news?

There is no page with all news. However, you find all news in the news archive (archive.php) sorted by months.

Originally posted by trackvlek:
hey i cchanged my colours a bit

but why when i change the table weight from 100% TO 98% there i a black line? and how i can i chang it to my regular background?

I can't see that page without logging in, but you need to change the whatsnew_stories_* templates

Btw don't forget to re-add the "Powered by" notice after you finished the layout. This could be done by adding $insert[powered_by] somewhere in site_footer.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

hey i cchanged my colours a bit

but why when i change the table weight from 100% TO 98% there i a black line? and how i can i chang it to my regular background?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

oke, thx
hey btw what is the php file were i can fount all my news?
so i can make a link to news i though story.php but then he says " Story - Error
This story is not available"

1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
hey i got another question
when u look at my skin (

u see a menu at the left with "leden" above

In there i want to have
Welkpom back (logged in user)
u have got ... Private massages.. etc

why wont it work? can i just put the $... into the site header/footer?

Moving the login bar to a different location is a larger template modification. I will post it later.

Originally posted by trackvlek:
2: i also doenst like the idea of putting the news, and the date on the index.php were can i change the items i want on the index?

Other => Websites => Sort main news by day? => No

To display a news not on the main page, select "Show this news on main site?" => "No" while posting.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

hey i got another question
when u look at my skin (

u see a menu at the left with "leden" above

In there i want to have
Welkpom back (logged in user)
u have got ... Private massages.. etc

why wont it work? can i just put the $... into the site header/footer?

2: i also doenst like the idea of putting the news, and the date on the index.php were can i change the items i want on the index?
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

thx man
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Fixed. You forgot:

1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Your layout is currently using only the site_header template.

Move everything after "I want the login field etc in this cell plz help." to your site_footer template.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

hey i uploaded my skin

Buw do i define that all the templates (login field,nieuws etc) need to be in the cell with "nieuws" above it?

For a view of the templates plz go to


who could help me out?
1 Re: template into layout
From: -
template into layout

Left menu _Header Right menu _Footer

Originally posted by Philipp:
Originally posted by trackvlek:
The menu do i have to make a menu in the Site_header or can i make a menu in your admin section?

You need to add the menu as HTML in site_header or site_footer
1 Re: template into layout
From: -
template into layout


This is my first forum post and I Love this system. I hated in when I first got it but that was my own fault because I don't particularly like to read instructions LOL...once I learned how to use this system I am kicking ass with it now and love it!!

I made my templates on Dreamweaver so taht I can just edit the areas that are editable and upload that way I dont have to cut and paste a buncha codes into the different areas Smiling Face
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

Originally posted by trackvlek:
The menu do i have to make a menu in the Site_header or can i make a menu in your admin section?

You need to add the menu as HTML in site_header or site_footer
1 Re: template into layout
From: -
template into layout that was a template i got it sliced and html coded then i coded it into ST Smiling Face
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

and ehm.
The menu do i have to make a menu in the Site_header or can i make a menu in your admin section?

oh yeah, the layout i want to use is
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

okey, i wil try ehm.
Dont u got msn messenger? talkes a lot easier..:$
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

No, you need to break your new HTML source into 2 parts

site_header contains the layout (including menu) before the news in the middle part, while site_footer is for the layout after the news.

I suggest that you add something like "NEWS HERE" in your layout with the HTML editor. Then you can copy the HTML code before the "NEWS HERE" mark to site_header and the code after "NEWS HERE" to site_footer.
1 Re: template into layout
OP 0
From: -
template into layout

the same layout in the footer, AND the header??
1 Re: template into layout
From: Austria
template into layout

You need to edit the site_header and site_footer templates for the main layout.

I suggest that you create a static HTML page with your new layout in your favorite HTML editor. Then copy the HTML code of your new layout into the site_header/site_footer templates.


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