Suggestion for bookmarking services

cosmin 269
From: -
From: -
Since several of the bookmarking services you included no longer exist (ma.gnolia, rawsugar, smarking.com, co.mments.com, shadows.com and probably others) and since it is rather clumsy to edit the HTML template, perhaps you should consider something like in the attached picture. It would make it easier to add or delete such bookmarking services.

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1 Re: Suggestion for bookmarking services

From: -
From: -
http://www.contentteller.com/forums/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/redface.png. This is me being embarassed.
1 Re: Suggestion for bookmarking services

From: Austria
1342From: Austria
This is already in Contentteller since version 2.1. You can add/edit/delete and turn on/off social links under Main => Manage Social Links