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Submitted story mods

Rushian 0
From: -
Submitted story mods

I'm getting a lot of spam being submitted to my "submit story" queue lately.

Two things that would be helpful would be to show the IP on the overview screen (hmm, that could probably already be done if I knew the right $var to print, and where to add it) so I could start banning.(lol, maybe even a 'ban' link too)

Also, a [delete] link from the "Add news X" screen would also be helpful so I could just delete the junk while editing/previewing it.


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1 Re: Submitted story mods
OP 0
From: -
Submitted story mods

Worked like a charm! Thanks!

I hope these will be included into 2.x too. Smiling Face
1 Re: Submitted story mods
From: Austria
Submitted story mods

Two things that would be helpful would be to show the IP on the overview screen (hmm, that could probably already be done if I knew the right $var to print, and where to add it) so I could start banning.(lol, maybe even a 'ban' link too)

Open cadmin/index.php and replace:

   if ($admin[user_cannews] == 1)

$result = DBQuery("SELECT storyq_website, storyq_title, storyq_id FROM esselbach_st_storyqueue ORDER BY storyq_id DESC LIMIT 5");

if (mysql_num_rows($result))
TblHeader("$words[SSI]","$words[L5S] $words[IQ] <a href=""><img src="../images/delete.png" border="0" alt="$words[DSFNQ]"></a>");
while(list($storyq_website, $storyq_title, $storyq_id) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$storyq_title = htmlspecialchars(ScriptEx($storyq_title));
TblMiddle("$storyq_id / $storyq_website","$storyq_title","newsqueue&opts=addqstory-$storyq_id","newsqueue&opts=deleteqstory-$storyq_id");


   if ($admin[user_cannews] == 1)

$result = DBQuery("SELECT storyq_website, storyq_title, storyq_id, storyq_authorip FROM esselbach_st_storyqueue ORDER BY storyq_id DESC LIMIT 5");

if (mysql_num_rows($result))
TblHeader("$words[SSI]","$words[L5S] $words[IQ] <a href=""><img src="../images/delete.png" border="0" alt="$words[DSFNQ]"></a>");
while(list($storyq_website, $storyq_title, $storyq_id, $storyq_ip) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$storyq_title = htmlspecialchars(ScriptEx($storyq_title));
$storyq_ip = htmlspecialchars($storyq_ip);
TblMiddle("$storyq_id / $storyq_website","$storyq_title (IP: $storyq_ip)","newsqueue&opts=addqstory-$storyq_id","newsqueue&opts=deleteqstory-$storyq_id");

Then open cadmin/mod_news.php and replace:

        $result = DBQuery("SELECT storyq_website, storyq_title, storyq_id FROM esselbach_st_storyqueue ORDER BY storyq_id DESC LIMIT 100");

while (list($storyq_website, $storyq_title, $storyq_id) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$storyq_title = htmlentities(ScriptEx($storyq_title));
TblMiddle("$storyq_id / $storyq_website", "$storyq_title", "newsqueue&opts=addqstory-$storyq_id", "newsqueue&opts=deleteqstory-$storyq_id");


        $result = DBQuery("SELECT storyq_website, storyq_title, storyq_id, storyq_authorip FROM esselbach_st_storyqueue ORDER BY storyq_id DESC LIMIT 100");

while (list($storyq_website, $storyq_title, $storyq_id, $storyq_ip) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$storyq_title = htmlentities(ScriptEx($storyq_title));
$storyq_ip = htmlspecialchars($storyq_ip);
TblMiddle("$storyq_id / $storyq_website", "$storyq_title (IP: $storyq_ip)", "newsqueue&opts=addqstory-$storyq_id", "newsqueue&opts=deleteqstory-$storyq_id");

Also, a [delete] link from the "Add news X" screen would also be helpful so I could just delete the junk while editing/previewing it.

This is another modification in cadmin/mod_news.php.

            echo "<tr><td><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">$words[SMY]</font></td><td></td><td><font face="Arial" size="2">$story[storyq_author] $amail ($words[TIP] $story[storyq_authorip]) $story[storyq_time]</font></td></tr>";

and replace with:

            echo "<tr><td><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">$words[SMY]</font></td><td></td><td><font face="Arial" size="2">$story[storyq_author] $amail ($words[TIP] $story[storyq_authorip]) $story[storyq_time]  [<a href="$story[storyq_id]">Delete this submission</a>]</font></td></tr>";


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