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Style not updating

ReviewStud 135
From: -
Style not updating

I've been setting up the styles on my site, but I don't see the changes. I can see the changes I've made on the "Instant Style Editor", but not on the index or other pages. If it helps, I'm in "Basic" mode and haven't modified the CSS file directly.


ReviewStud Smiling Face with Sunglasses


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Style not updating
OP 135
From: -
I've set the style to the "/contentteller/templates/style.css" and the "contentteller.php?ct=core&action=css& id={ $insert['site_theme']}&random={$random}". No problems. Both IE and FireFox pickup the stylesheet perfectly.


ReviewStud Smiling Face with Sunglasses
1 Re: Style not updating
From: -
No, there is no way to block the ad, except switching over to a paid hosting plan.

Yes, a possible workaround is using an external stylesheet. Copy the CSS into a text file style.css and upload it to your images directory. Then replace "contentteller.php?ct=core&action=css&id={ $insert['site_theme']}&random={$random}" with "images/style.css"
1 Re: Style not updating
OP 135
From: -
Is there anyway to block GoDaddy's ads with java or php?

What if I was to put in the site_header the stylesheet URL from the templates folder instead of "contentteller.php?ct=core&action=css&id={$insert['site_theme']}&random={$random}" title="Theme #{$insert['site_theme']}".

I'd have to update it manually with an editor instead of in the cadmin.
1 Re: Style not updating
From: -
I think the main problem is that GoDaddy is adding their ad code to the output of every PHP script including stylesheets and attached images. This cause multiple issues like broken stylesheets or images.
1 Re: Style not updating
OP 135
From: -
I've added the PHP code and changed the site_theme HTML code, but the index page is still coming up themeless in FireFox. No problems in IE, it looks fine.
1 Re: Style not updating
From: -
Look like your browser keep caching the old stylesheet. You could try the following modification in the site_header template.

Templates => Manage Templates => Edit => Site => Edit => site_header => Edit

Click "Add PHP part to this template" and add the following to the PHP field:

$random = rand(1,32768);

Then change this line in the HTML field:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=";action=css&amp;id={$insert['site_theme']}" title="Theme #{$insert['site_theme']}" />


  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=";action=css&amp;id={$insert['site_theme']}&amp;random={$random}" title="Theme #{$insert['site_theme']}" />

and save the template. This code will add a random number to the stylesheet, so Firefox will no longer cache the previous stylesheet.
1 Re: Style not updating
OP 135
From: -
I have "Cache preferences", "Enable caching system", and "Use the file system for the cache" set to disabled.

I can see the news stories I've updated using FireFox and IE, but I don't see a style update in FireFox.
1 Re: Style not updating
From: -
I was taking about the HTML cache, which can be enabled under Manage Websites. Enabling the cache can cause such issues after you are always seeing a previously cached version of the page.
1 Re: Style not updating
OP 135
From: -
Ok. The style I've setup isn't taking in FireFox. Everything looks fine in IE, but I see no changes in FireFox. The index page contains all the news stories, but it seems the styling aren't taking.

1 Re: Style not updating
OP 135
From: -
I just changed the "Cache Preferences" to "Yes" and I have cleared my cache in FireFox.

I think this might be a FireFox quark because I just loaded the index page up in IE and the changed style is appearing. Weird?!?

Oh, well.

Thanks Philipp,

ReviewStud Smiling Face with Sunglasses
1 Re: Style not updating
From: -
Have you the caching system enabled?


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