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Static pages?

cosmin 269
From: -
Static pages?

Hi. I'm a registered customer of Esselbach and I would like to ask you a few questions.

1) How do I get static pages like this website (which also uses ST) does : ( on my website? Looking in the control panel I see the "file caching only option" which would seem most likely to behave like above, but it doesn't.The links are still dynamic.

2) When adding custom fields to downloads, for example, I can set the field to be multiple choice but when adding a new file the custom field contains only an empty dropdown. How/where do I add the options for the dropdown? For example, a custom field with a dropdown called license which would include freeware, shareware, adware. How do I add those options so that they show up on the "add a new file" page?

3) When going to the download details page, is there a way to add a breadcrumb trail for the categories (like Drivers->Motherboards->Asus)? Right now the template only prints the current category of the file, and not the parents.

4) When do you expect 1.9 to come out? There are a lot of things that are badly needed, like mass removing of articles/files, optionally removing all the items in a category when that category is removed, easier moving of files from one category to another, and activation/deactivation of unneeded features.

And a bit off-topic. Will you (please) keep the same templating system core idea (meaning keeping the separation of html from php) for the next version of Storyteller? The fact that ST doesn't seem to abuse coding like
$msg = '<font color="blue">'.
sprintf(_('Your account, %s, has been created!'), htmlspecialchars($post['username'])) . '</font>';
is one of the most important reasons why I decided to buy it.

Thank you.


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Static pages?
From: Vienna, Austria
Static pages?

You could display the last 10 downloads or 10 most popular downloads in a news block

To enable the news block:
Other/Websites => Edit => NEWS BLOCKS (HEADER)

Enable Block Row #1 => Yes

Then select Downloads (new) or Downloads (top) as block.

Also is there a way to get sticky downloads?

1 Re: Static pages?
OP 269
From: -
Static pages?

Is there an easy way to have the latest/most popular downloads displayed on the main page? I've looked at cadmin/index.php for the "last five downloads" bit but can't figure it out completely.
Also is there a way to get sticky downloads?
1 Re: Static pages?
From: Vienna, Austria
Static pages?

1) How do I get static pages like this website (which also uses ST) does : ( on my website? Looking in the control panel I see the "file caching only option" which would seem most likely to behave like above, but it doesn't.The links are still dynamic.

The data is actually static cached in the /cache directory (file cache) or in the database (MySQL cache). MajorGeeks and many other sites are using the mod_rewrite engine (part of the Apache webserver) to rewrite their URL. The next Storyteller 1.8.1 (next week) will also include an alternative template set and rules for mod_rewrite.

2) When adding custom fields to downloads, for example, I can set the field to be multiple choice but when adding a new file the custom field contains only an empty dropdown. How/where do I add the options for the dropdown? For example, a custom field with a dropdown called license which would include freeware, shareware, adware. How do I add those options so that they show up on the "add a new file" page?

The syntax for the dropdown menu is (example): license,freeware,shareware,adware

3) When going to the download details page, is there a way to add a breadcrumb trail for the categories (like Drivers->Motherboards->Asus)? Right now the template only prints the current category of the file, and not the parents.

I will look into it later

4) When do you expect 1.9 to come out? There are a lot of things that are badly needed, like mass removing of articles/files, optionally removing all the items in a category when that category is removed, easier moving of files from one category to another, and activation/deactivation of unneeded features.

Most likely in feburary. The next release is 1.8.1 and will include primary some bugfixes.


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