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Sort Feature

Swarmer 0
From: -
Sort Feature

Hello, i am trying to implement the sort feature in my downloads section. i am just sorting by name and date. i have it functioning but it sorts the dates with the oldest dates on top. is there a way i can reverse this and have the newest listings on top like it does with the search feature. thanks


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1 Re: Sort Feature
OP 0
From: -
Sort Feature

Phillip, thanks very much for all your help!
1 Re: Sort Feature
From: Austria
Sort Feature

Open download.php in an editor and replace:

            $fields = array('d.download_title', 'd.download_id', 'd.download_category', 'd.download_author', 'd.download_time', 'd.download_extra1', 'd.download_extra2', 'd.download_extra3', 'd.download_extra4', 'd.download_extra5', 'd.download_extra6', 'd.download_extra7', 'd.download_extra8', 'd.download_extra9', 'd.download_extra10', 'd.download_extra11', 'd.download_extra12', 'd.download_extra13', 'd.download_extra14', 'd.download_extra15', 'd.download_extra16', 'd.download_extra17', 'd.download_extra18', 'd.download_extra19', 'd.download_extra20', 'd.download_count');


            $fields = array('d.download_title', 'd.download_id', 'd.download_category', 'd.download_author', 'd.download_time DESC', 'd.download_extra1', 'd.download_extra2', 'd.download_extra3', 'd.download_extra4', 'd.download_extra5', 'd.download_extra6', 'd.download_extra7', 'd.download_extra8', 'd.download_extra9', 'd.download_extra10', 'd.download_extra11', 'd.download_extra12', 'd.download_extra13', 'd.download_extra14', 'd.download_extra15', 'd.download_extra16', 'd.download_extra17', 'd.download_extra18', 'd.download_extra19', 'd.download_extra20', 'd.download_count');


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