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Some pre-sales questions

deep 0
From: -
Some pre-sales questions

I have been digging the site for quite sometime but I failed to find comparision chart between free and paid version.

I am still thinking between free and paid version. The download page for free version says almost 50% of the features are not there in free version.

Can anyone please point me to some comparision chart so I can get better idea about the script?

2nd thing, does this script allow to create unlimited no. of sub categories?



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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Some pre-sales questions
OP 0
From: -
Some pre-sales questions

Thanks so much for the reply.

I will discuss this with my other team members and decide.

1 Re: Some pre-sales questions
From: Austria
Some pre-sales questions

I am still thinking between free and paid version. The download page for free version says almost 50% of the features are not there in free version.

Can anyone please point me to some comparision chart so I can get better idea about the script?

The freeware version is mainly missing multiple website support, download module, trouble ticket module, and plan module. Also, the free version based on an older version (1.7) of Storyteller.

2nd thing, does this script allow to create unlimited no. of sub categories?



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