Size of images in 1.4.x storyteller
johngaltnh 0
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1 Re: Size of images in 1.4.x storyteller
From: Austria
1342From: Austria
Size of images in 1.4.x storyteller
This can be changed by editing cadmin/mod_news.php:
You are looking for the following two lines:
You need to increase the values to a higher level. This limitation exists no longer in the new 2.0 series.
This can be changed by editing cadmin/mod_news.php:
You are looking for the following two lines:
if ($_FILES[teaserfile][size] > 25000)
if ($_FILES[newsifile][size] > 250000)
You need to increase the values to a higher level. This limitation exists no longer in the new 2.0 series.
Hi Philipp!
I have two Storyteller licenses - one of which I'm using on a server still running 1.4.3 code. (Which, by the way, works wonderfully for that particular site.) The other one I plan to deploy soon with the newest 1.8.x code - but I'll have another question for that!
This question might not be related to the version anyway because it is general.
The editors on the site complain that sometimes when they upload pictures to the site, they get errors because of the image being too big.
What are they running into - the standard Php size limit on uploaded files, or a setting in Storyteller? If it's a dimension limit in storyteller - where in the admin menu do I see it?