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Silly question...

Ryster 4
From: -
Silly question...

Hi guys

I'm new here, but I just wanted to say I really like the Contentteller system and find it very useful.

My question is this: I've added a news article to my new site and want it to appear on the front page news, however for some reason it wont appear, even though the box is checked to show it on the front page. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'll apologise in advance if this is something really simple that I'm overlooking, but can anyone advise me please?

 Free Galactic Enterprises - Corporation Website

Ryan Spooner


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1 Re: Silly question...
From: -
Btw if you have any feature suggestions or missing something please post it on the  feature tracker. I will use the feature tracker to get ideas/feedback for new releases.
1 Re: Silly question...
From: -
No one requested it before. However, you could change the following line in /cadmin/import/adminimportnow.php to exclude the frontpage:

                        $database -> dbquery( "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_newsstories (newsstory_id, newsstory_author, newsstory_website, newsstory_channels, newsstory_title, newsstory_seo, newsstory_rawstory, newsstory_story, newsstory_rawextendedstory, newsstory_extendedstory, newsstory_link, newsstory_description, newsstory_keywords, newsstory_teaser, newsstory_comments, newsstory_allowcomments, newsstory_frontpage, newsstory_html, newsstory_smilies, newsstory_code, newsstory_status, newsstory_password, newsstory_date, newsstory_startdate, newsstory_expiredate, newsstory_neverexpire, newsstory_poll, newsstory_pollresults, newsstory_fields, newsstory_sticky, newsstory_views,  newsstory_rating, newsstory_votes, newsstory_source, newsstory_sourceid,  newsstory_activity, newsstory_postip, newsstory_editip, newsstory_editadmin) VALUES (NULL, '" . $login_username . "', '" . $import_website . "', '" . $import_channels . "', '" . $new_title . "', '" . $input_newsstory_seo . "', '" . $new_story . "', '" . $new_story_parsed . "', '', '', '" . $new_link . "', '" . $input_newsstory_description . "', '" . $input_newsstory_keywords . "', '" . $import_teaser . "', '0', '" . $import_comments . "', '1', '" . $import_html . "', '" . $import_smilies . "', '" . $import_blockcode . "', '0', '', now(), now(), now(), '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '" . $import_name . "', '0', now(), '" . $ipaddr . "', '" . $ipaddr . "', '" . $login_username . "')" );

                        $database -> dbquery( "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_newsstories (newsstory_id, newsstory_author, newsstory_website, newsstory_channels, newsstory_title, newsstory_seo, newsstory_rawstory, newsstory_story, newsstory_rawextendedstory, newsstory_extendedstory, newsstory_link, newsstory_description, newsstory_keywords, newsstory_teaser, newsstory_comments, newsstory_allowcomments, newsstory_frontpage, newsstory_html, newsstory_smilies, newsstory_code, newsstory_status, newsstory_password, newsstory_date, newsstory_startdate, newsstory_expiredate, newsstory_neverexpire, newsstory_poll, newsstory_pollresults, newsstory_fields, newsstory_sticky, newsstory_views,  newsstory_rating, newsstory_votes, newsstory_source, newsstory_sourceid,  newsstory_activity, newsstory_postip, newsstory_editip, newsstory_editadmin) VALUES (NULL, '" . $login_username . "', '" . $import_website . "', '" . $import_channels . "', '" . $new_title . "', '" . $input_newsstory_seo . "', '" . $new_story . "', '" . $new_story_parsed . "', '', '', '" . $new_link . "', '" . $input_newsstory_description . "', '" . $input_newsstory_keywords . "', '" . $import_teaser . "', '0', '" . $import_comments . "', '0', '" . $import_html . "', '" . $import_smilies . "', '" . $import_blockcode . "', '0', '', now(), now(), now(), '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '" . $import_name . "', '0', now(), '" . $ipaddr . "', '" . $ipaddr . "', '" . $login_username . "')" );
1 Re: Silly question...
OP 4
From: -
Ok, I understand now. I've turned featured stories back on again. Thanks.

Next silly question... when news is imported from an RSS import source, why is the "show on front page" flag checked automatically? More to the point, why are you unable to configure the front page settings of imported source?

I basically want to import some news, but just have it show in one particular channel and not on the front page.

1 Re: Silly question...
From: -
This happened if the "featured stories" feature is disabled. You can enable it under News Preferences => Show featured stories? = Yes

I will change this in the next release, so this option will only show up if it is actually enabled.
1 Re: Silly question...
OP 4
From: -
Ok I turned that off and now it appeared on the front page. Thanks.

Why can't a story marked as "top story" be shown on the front page though?
1 Re: Silly question...
From: -
Have you checked "Mark this as top story"?


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