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Side by Side article/news blocks?

comtech 6
From: -
Side by Side article/news blocks?

Is it possible to have news or article blocks side by side? Take a look at what I currently have for wordpress:  UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA

Could this be done with Contenteller? If so what would the code be to create this?


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1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
From: -
A Contentteller based website gets indexed pretty well by Google and other search engines after all links are search engine friendly. There are also no duplicate pages.

Where do you have the problem with the user display name? In the comments or the login status bar?
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
OP 6
From: -
Thank you for the help. I've gotten most of that done. I wasn't able to get the forum post to work though as it kept giving me a database error on IPB's side. I am still working on the design but overall I think it is coming along pretty good for having it less than a day.

How well does Contentteller compare to wordpress in the SEO department? Does websites using contentteller get ranked fairly well by google?

Also, is there a way to display only the user display name and not the user login name?
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
From: -
Is there a way to grab the first 30 (an example) words from the first post of the thread and have it displayed as though it were an article?

Yes, you need to add the forum post field to the SQL query:


if( !defined( "CONTENTTELLER" ) )
die( "Error" );

$ipb_latest = ( isset( $datastore[ 'ipb_latest' ] ) ) ? $datastore[ 'ipb_latest' ] : "" ;

if( !$ipb_latest )
global $uwrapper;

$ipb_latest = "";
$uwrapper -> bbconnect();

$results = $uwrapper -> bbquery( "SELECT tid, title, forum_id, post FROM " . $uwrapper -> bbescape( $preferences[ 'website_uwrapper_prefix' ] ) . "topics ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 10" );
if( $uwrapper -> bbrows( $results ) )
while( list( $threadid, $title, $forum, $post ) = $database -> dbrow( $results ) )
$length = 22;
if ( strlen( $title ) > $length)
$title = substr ( $title, 0, $length ) . "...";
$ipb_latest .= "&middot; <a href=\"" . $preferences['website_uwrapper_forumpath'] . "/index.php?act=ST&amp;f=" . $forum . "&amp;t=" . $threadid . "\">" . $title . "</a><br />";
$ipb_latest .= substr( $post, 0, 300 ) . "....<br />";

$uwrapper -> bbclose();
$system -> datastoreput( "ipb_latest", $ipb_latest );

echo $ipb_latest;


Is it possible to create the index to use multiple modules? Say I wanted to have articles created as I have them on wordpress. Then below or even to the side of those I would like to have news.

Then somewhere I would have a module for forum threads (listing the first xx words of the latest 10 threads) Would this be possible?

This could be done with the templates. Basically, you need to add the additional PHP code to the articles_layout_main template.

I do seem to be needing help with the article section. If you look at the url you will see that I have the articles side by side. I would like them to be more separated from each other. I also notice that when I create code for middlecolumnsleft and or middlecolumnsright - that only middlecolumnsleft has all of the code I created for the css. Is there something that I could be missing?

Try changing:


background: #FFFFFF url(">"> top no-repeat;
width: 280px;
margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;


background: #FFFFFF url(">"> top no-repeat;
width: 280px;
margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;




background: #FFFFFF url(">"> top no-repeat;
width: 280px;
margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;

background: #FFFFFF url(">"> top no-repeat;
width: 280px;
margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
OP 6
From: -
This is what I am working on currently with the community version:  PARANORMAL FORUM (I am using that as a test area for Contentteller)

It looks very promising! I especially love the integration with IPB process and the fact that I can simply bring over the css from wordpress with some code rewrites. If I can get this looking the way I need it to look or even just close enough to the wordpress design then I will be purchasing the professional edition.

The support here for a free edition is great. So When/If I decide to go with Contentteller I will want the Pro version for the support outside of this forum.

I do seem to be needing help with the article section. If you look at the url you will see that I have the articles side by side. I would like them to be more separated from each other. I also notice that when I create code for middlecolumnsleft and or middlecolumnsright - that only middlecolumnsleft has all of the code I created for the css. Is there something that I could be missing?
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
OP 6
From: -

You just need to customize the SQL query to include the forums you like.

Is there a way to grab the first 30 (an example) words from the first post of the thread and have it displayed as though it were an article?

One last question.

Is it possible to create the index to use multiple modules? Say I wanted to have articles created as I have them on wordpress. Then below or even to the side of those I would like to have news.

Then somewhere I would have a module for forum threads (listing the first xx words of the latest 10 threads) Would this be possible?
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
From: -
Is it possible to have news or article blocks side by side? Take a look at what I currently have for wordpress:  UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA

Yes, there are options for two columns layouts in both the news and article module.

Also is it possible for Contentteller to grab the latest threads from designated categories within a forum (I am running IPB) and list those within a block?

There is already a block for IPB here:

You just need to customize the SQL query to include the forums you like.

I am seriously considering purchasing the professional version. I just need to know if I could retain most of the same appearance of the wordpress design.

Yes, it shouldn't be a problem to port your existing design to Contentteller after it is also CSS based.
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
OP 6
From: -
Also is it possible for Contentteller to grab the latest threads (say, the first 20 characters from the thread?) from designated categories within a forum (I am running IPB) and list those within a block?

I am seriously considering purchasing the professional version. I just need to know if I could retain most of the same appearance of the wordpress design.
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
OP 6
From: -
That is weird considering the site has been up several months now and I am on it. Google indexes the site fine....

Okay, I figured it out. I had GeoIP in the .htaccess and it was ignoring everyone outside of the united states. I had this on temporarily so I could test the site. This should now be working for you.
1 Re: Side by Side article/news blocks?
From: -
I am only getting a test page for the Apache webserver on your url Confused Face


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