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Server Move

Rushian 0
From: -
Server Move

I've been running my website for 4 years on the same hardware (dual P3-550, and WinNT4!) but it's time to upgrade. Grinning Face

I've built a new Win2003 server, but I'm wondering which versions of PHP and MySQL I should install. I'm currently running PHP version 4.3.9 and MySQL 4.1.11-nt.

Should I upgrade to the 5.x versions of both?

Also, how do I move the databases to the new box?



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1 Re: Server Move
OP 0
From: -
Server Move

Worked! Thanks! Smiling Face
1 Re: Server Move
From: Austria
Server Move

Sounds like your username/password for the MySQL server is different then on the older box.

You could write a new configuration file with this script:
1 Re: Server Move
OP 0
From: -
Server Move

and import the SQL dump on the new box with:
mysql -uusername -ppassword databasename < backup.sql

I had to create a blank database first, then the command worked.

But! I still can't run the web site.

PHP (4.4.4) is working, and MySQL (4.1.22) is started, but I get:
Error: Can't open a persistent connection to the MySQL database server

Same thing happens when I try to load the admin page. After logging in, I get the same error.

Do I need a virgin config file or something?
1 Re: Server Move
From: Austria
Server Move

MySQL 4.1.x and higher. Some older PHP scripts are incompatible with MySQL 5.0 as well.

I currently use on my servers PHP 5.2.0 and MySQL 5.0.32, but I do not run old scripts Winking Face
1 Re: Server Move
OP 0
From: -
Server Move

Which version of MySQL to you recommend?
1 Re: Server Move
From: Austria
Server Move

Should I upgrade to the 5.x versions of both?

You can, but some older PHP scripts may break. I would at least upgrade to the latest version of PHP 4 (4.4.4) because of security issues in the older PHP version

Also, how do I move the databases to the new box?

You could dump the database with:

mysqldump -uusername -ppassword databasename > backup.sql

and import the SQL dump on the new box with:

mysql -uusername -ppassword databasename < backup.sql

You need to replace username with your MySQL username, password with the MySQL password and databasename with the name of your database.


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