Remove "File Attachments" from news
error 232
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From: -
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1 Re: Remove "File Attachments" from news
Philipp Esselbach
From: -
0From: -
You need to remove the following from /cadmin/news/adminaddnewsstory.php:
echo "<br /><br /><h2>" . $words_news[ 'FILE_ATTACHMENTS' ] . "</h2>";
$html -> tableheader( "","" );
$query = $database -> dbquery( "SELECT newsfile_id, newsfile_filename, newsfile_title, newsfile_description, newsfile_mime FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_newsfiles WHERE newsfile_author = '$login_username' AND newsfile_inuse = '0' ORDER BY newsfile_date DESC" );
while( list( $newsfile_id, $newsfile_filename, $newsfile_title, $newsfile_description, $newsfile_mime ) = $database -> dbrow( $query ) )
if( $preferences[ 'news_wysiwyg' ] )
if( ( $newsfile_mime == "image/pjpeg" ) or( $newsfile_mime == "image/jpeg" ) or( $newsfile_mime == "image/gif" ) or( $newsfile_mime == "image/png" ) )
if( function_exists( "imagecopyresized" ) )
$mid_link = "<a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_story','[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\"><img src=\"index.php?action=newsattachmentpreview&input_fileid=" . $newsfile_id . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_description ) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "\" /></a><br />";
$mid_link = "<a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_story','[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "</a><br />";
$mid_link .= "[ <a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_story','[fullimage=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_FULL_IMAGE' ] . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_story','[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_THUMBNAIL' ] . "</a> ";
$mid_link .= "| <a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_extendedstory','[fullimage=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_FULL_IMAGE_EXTENDED' ] . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_extendedstory','[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_THUMBNAIL_EXTENDED' ] . "</a> ]<br />";
$mid_link = "[ <a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_story','[attachment=" . $newsfile_id . "]Download" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "[/attachment]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_DOWNLOAD' ] . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:wysiwyginsert('input_newsstory_extendedstory','[attachment=" . $newsfile_id . "]Download" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "[/attachment]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_DOWNLOAD_EXTENDED' ] . "</a>]<br />";
if( ( $newsfile_mime == "image/pjpeg" ) or( $newsfile_mime == "image/jpeg" ) or( $newsfile_mime == "image/gif" ) or( $newsfile_mime == "image/png" ) )
if( function_exists( "imagecopyresized" ) )
$mid_link = "<a href=\"javascript:insert('[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\"><img src=\"index.php?action=newsattachmentpreview&input_fileid=" . $newsfile_id . "\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_description ) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "\" /></a><br />";
$mid_link = "<a href=\"javascript:insert('[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "</a><br />";
$mid_link .= "[ <a href=\"javascript:insert('[fullimage=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_FULL_IMAGE' ] . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:insert('[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_THUMBNAIL' ] . "</a> ";
$mid_link .= "| <a href=\"javascript:insert2('[fullimage=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_FULL_IMAGE_EXTENDED' ] . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:insert2('[thumb=" . $newsfile_id . "]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_AS_THUMBNAIL_EXTENDED' ] . "</a> ]<br />";
$mid_link = "[ <a href=\"javascript:insert('[attachment=" . $newsfile_id . "]Download" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ) . "[/attachment]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_DOWNLOAD' ] . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:insert2('[attachment=" . $newsfile_id . "]Download" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_filename ). "[/attachment]')\">" . $words_news[ 'ADD_DOWNLOAD_EXTENDED' ] . "</a>]<br />";
if( $input_file == $newsfile_id )
$mid_link .= "<textarea cols=\"80\" name=\"input_edittitle\" rows=\"1\" style=\"margin:0px;width:600px\">" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_title ) . "</textarea><br />";
$mid_link .= "<textarea cols=\"80\" name=\"input_editdescription\" rows=\"2\" style=\"margin:0px;width:600px\">" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_description ) . "</textarea><br />";
$mid_link .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"input_editid\" value=\"" . $newsfile_id . "\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"input_doeditfile\" value=\"" . $words_news[ 'GO' ] . "\" /><br />";
$mid_link .= "<strong>" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_title ) . "</strong><br />" . htmlspecialchars( $newsfile_description );
if( $input_file != $newsfile_id )
$html -> tableamiddle( $newsfile_filename, $mid_link, "input_dofileedit", $words_news[ 'EDIT_FILE' ] . $newsfile_id, "input_dofileremove", $words_news[ 'REMOVE_FILE' ] . $newsfile_id );
$html -> tableamiddle( $newsfile_filename, $mid_link, "input_dofileedit", 0, 0, 0, 0 );
$html -> maketablefooter();
echo "<a href=\"javascript:files_win()\">" . $words_news[ 'SEARCH_FILE_ATTACHMENTS' ] . "</a><br /><br />";
for( $a = 0; $a < 6; $a++ )
if( !isset( $input_file_title[ $a ] ) )
$input_file_title[ $a ] = "";
if( !isset( $input_file_description[ $a ] ) )
$input_file_description[ $a ] = "";
echo "<strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[0]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[0]", $input_file_title[ 0 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[0]", $input_file_description[ 0 ], 2 );
echo "<div id=\"attachment_form_close\"><br /><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"show_form2(); return false;\">" . $words_news[ 'ATTACH_MULTIPLE_FILES' ] . "</a><br /><br /></div>";
echo "<div id=\"attachment_form_open\" style=\"display:none\">";
echo "<strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[1]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[1]", $input_file_title[ 1 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[1]", $input_file_description[ 1 ], 2 );
echo "<br /><strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[2]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[2]", $input_file_title[ 2 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[2]", $input_file_description[ 2 ], 2 );
echo "<br /><strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[3]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[3]", $input_file_title[ 3 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[3]", $input_file_description[ 3 ], 2 );
echo "<br /><strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[4]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[4]", $input_file_title[ 4 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[4]", $input_file_description[ 4 ], 2 );
echo "</div>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"input_doupload\" value=\"" . $words_news[ 'UPLOAD' ] . "\" />";
1 Re: Remove "File Attachments" from news
From: -
From: -
Now how to completely remove File Attachments field from add news story?
1 Re: Remove "File Attachments" from news
From: -
From: -
Thanks. I will wait with this mod.
1 Re: Remove "File Attachments" from news
Philipp Esselbach
From: -
0From: -
This would require a few modification in the news module PHP files.
For example, /cadmin/news/addnewsstory.php:
You need to remove:
However, I would wait 2 days before changing the PHP files after Contentteller 2.0.4 is coming very soon
For example, /cadmin/news/addnewsstory.php:
You need to remove:
echo "<strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[0]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[0]", $input_file_title[ 0 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[0]", $input_file_description[ 0 ], 2 );
echo "<div id=\"attachment_form_close\"><br /><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"show_form2(); return false;\">" . $words_news[ 'ATTACH_MULTIPLE_FILES' ] . "</a><br /><br /></div>";
echo "<div id=\"attachment_form_open\" style=\"display:none\">";
echo "<strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[1]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[1]", $input_file_title[ 1 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[1]", $input_file_description[ 1 ], 2 );
echo "<br /><strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[2]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[2]", $input_file_title[ 2 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[2]", $input_file_description[ 2 ], 2 );
echo "<br /><strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[3]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[3]", $input_file_title[ 3 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[3]", $input_file_description[ 3 ], 2 );
echo "<br /><strong>" . $words_news[ 'FILE' ] . ":</strong><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"input_file[4]\" /><br />";
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'TITLE' ], "input_file_title[4]", $input_file_title[ 4 ], 1 );
$html -> upperform( $words_news[ 'DESCRIPTION' ], "input_file_description[4]", $input_file_description[ 4 ], 2 );
echo "</div>";
However, I would wait 2 days before changing the PHP files after Contentteller 2.0.4 is coming very soon
How to remove File Attachments fields from the bottom of news editor?