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Problems with charset in meta description and keywords

Sobiech 77
From: -

When I will add a new file to the database, the description is ok (with Polish special characters), but the meta "keywords" and "description" are incorrect (when the system automatically retrieves and creates meta keywords and meta description). When I manually add or edit descriptions and keywords (edit file - > advanced) everything is ok.
I think that the problem with incorrect characters is only when the system automatically generates keywords and meta descriptions.

Is the problem is on my side?

Contentteller 2.1.18
Database Mode UTF-8


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Problems with charset in meta description and keywords
OP 77
From: -
Can you post some of the characters that cause this problem?

ą, ę, ł, ó, ż
1 Re: Problems with charset in meta description and keywords
From: Austria
Can you post some of the characters that cause this problem?


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