PreSale Questions
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1 Re: PreSale Questions
From: Austria
1342From: Austria
PreSale Questions
You can select which news story should be displayed on the main page with the "Show this news on main site?" under "Add News" or "Edit/Remove News".
Yes, this is possible with a small template modification
It should be easy because it is possible to run both versions simultaneously during the migration phase. There will be an import script to migrate the data from 1.x to 2.0.
Storyteller work fine with eAccelerator.
Of these, various stories are marked "featured" and appear on the front page as well as their respective category page.
You can select which news story should be displayed on the main page with the "Show this news on main site?" under "Add News" or "Edit/Remove News".
Also, can I display one of my categories on the front page in a special format / different template?
Yes, this is possible with a small template modification
I also hear talk of a 2.0 version. How hard, do you imagine, will the move be to this new platform for existing sites?
It should be easy because it is possible to run both versions simultaneously during the migration phase. There will be an import script to migrate the data from 1.x to 2.0.
Additionally your caching system is based of eAccelerator. I have already installed this software on my server separately. Will the two conflict? Should I turn it off somehow?
Storyteller work fine with eAccelerator.
I've downloaded your free version and played around with it for a bit. Impressive, but I have a few questions on it's capability before I buy/explore further.
My site consists of 4 categories of posts. Of these, various stories are marked "featured" and appear on the front page as well as their respective category page. Is it possible with the software to have this sort of setup? Also, can I display one of my categories on the front page in a special format / different template?
I also hear talk of a 2.0 version. How hard, do you imagine, will the move be to this new platform for existing sites?
Additionally your caching system is based of eAccelerator. I have already installed this software on my server separately. Will the two conflict? Should I turn it off somehow?
Thanks. Sorry about all the questions.