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New Forum Topics Block

Chris Hall 40
From: -
Just for verification,

It seems I can only select up to 5 forums in the block New Forum Topics.

Is this correct?


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: New Forum Topics Block
From: Austria
You can override the blocks per story/article/category with the block override option in the advanced tab. Block overrides on the front page are currently not supported but I will look into it.

I just discovered a bug in the override function. You need to change the following line in /class/class_templates.php to get the function properly working:
                     $query = $database -> dbquery( "SELECT block_id, block_name, block_html, block_php, block_externalphp, block_switch, block_category, block_appearance FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_blocks WHERE block_id IN(" . $var3 . ") ORDER BY block_position" );

                   $query = $database -> dbquery( "SELECT block_id, block_name, block_html, block_php, block_externalphp, block_switch, block_category, block_appearance FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_blocks WHERE block_id IN(" . $var7 . ") ORDER BY block_position" );
1 Re: New Forum Topics Block
OP 40
From: -
In addition to my question about only being able to save 5 forum selections in the block New Forum Topics I would like to know how I can specify a block to only appear on a specific page (like the front page)?
1 Re: New Forum Topics Block
OP 40
From: -
Also, is the template that displays the post info in this block editable?

UPDATE: I found the html inside blocks/forum_new.php


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