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mistix 0
From: -


I am moving servers, I have had the SQL databases moved over to the new server and moved over all the files through FTP, how do I get it to update?

It says

Error: Can't connect to the MySQL server

Why is this? It should work

Can I do a fresh install maybe? is there a way to put all the old reviews and news back in, or will this be in the SQL DB?


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1 Re: Moving
OP 0
From: -

Nice one mate, just got to wait for my host to enable the namservers now >_< a week of downtime.
1 Re: Moving
From: Austria

It look like the SQL login (username / password /database) is different on the new server.

To update config.php, download this script and open it in an editor:

Now change the settings to match your new configuation:

//MySQL settings    

$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuser = "root";
$dbpass = "password";
$dbname = "database";

//Website details
$wsname = "Website";
$wsurl = " http://localhost";

Rename the script to cfix.php and upload it to your /cadmin directory. Finally, run the script from your browser. Once this is done, remove the script again.


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