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Javascript Images Enlargement

mishima 145
From: -
Hi there,

Just wondering if perhaps there may be any development going into something like this:

Thumbnails when selected are enlarged using Javascript. I have seen this with Silverlight too - might be worth integrating although I have no idea how much of a task this is for you. But worth a thought! Smiling Face


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
From: Austria
Can you open a support ticket with a link to the installation?
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
OP 145
From: -
Done as above, still not working.

The images are linked in on the block "Slideshow" using the HTML image tag. One underneath another. Is that right?
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
From: Austria
Sounds like jQuery is not loaded.

Edit site_header in the template editor and add right after:

the following line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$insert['param_ct']}core{$insert['param_action']}javaload{$insert['param_page']}jquery.js"></script>
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
OP 145
From: -
I've added in the images under "Manage Blocks" and then "Slideshow" but the two images I've added as just static, one underneath another. How do they transition from the same location?
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
From: Austria
You just need to edit it under Manage Blocks to add images, description and article links
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
OP 145
From: -
Excellent, I have it now showing on the site - I'm presuming you would need to some of PHP expression to flip between different image files?

With this feature is it possible to switch between the last 6 articles listed on the site?

This is a sweet feature, didn't even realise it was available!!
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
From: Austria
Possibly because you have upgrade from the 2.0.x release

1) Select Blocks => Add New Block
Choose "Middle Block (Header)" as category and "Slideshow" as block script

2) Now you need to add the place holder for "Middle Block (Header)" to the site_header template

Add the following code at the end:
<div class="colmiddle" id="menu3">

For "Middle Block (Footer)" you need to add the following code near the top of template site_footer:
<div class="colmiddle" id="menu4">
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
OP 145
From: -
I can't see a slideshow block under Manage Blocks? Where is it?
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
From: Austria
Yes, in the slideshow block
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
OP 145
From: -
Excellent Smiling Face The image transition on the homepage of contentteller - does CT CMS have this feature is that something you integrated yourself?
1 Re: Javascript Images Enlargement
From: Austria
Yes, there are plans to enhance the default theme with more jquery elements in Contentteller 2.2, which is coming out later this year.


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