Ignoring file submissions
cosmin 269
From: -
From: -
I would suggest adding a button to "ignore this update". When running "check pad files for updates", there are apps, for which their creators just make a small change to the version number, meaning they are always picked up. Now I really doubt that they update those apps from one day to the next, especially since it always happens with the same apps. It may even be automated, so it would be nice to have the ability to disregard them.
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1 Re: Ignoring file submissions
From: -
From: -
This one works.
1 Re: Ignoring file submissions
From: Austria
1342From: Austria
Ok, change the last one to:
$input_doignore = ( isset( $_POST[ 'input_doignore' ] ) ) ? $security -> checkvar( $_POST[ 'input_doignore' ] ) : "" ;
if( $input_doignore)
$database -> dbquery( "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_files SET file_paddate = now() WHERE file_id = '" . $input_id . "'" );
$html -> login( $words_files[ 'CHECK_PAD_UPDATES' ], "File ignored.", "index.php?action=checkpadupdates" );
1 Re: Ignoring file submissions
From: -
From: -
Not yet. I may have done something wrong, but if I click "ignore" it will return to the same file again and again and won't process the next file.
1 Re: Ignoring file submissions
From: Austria
1342From: Austria
Not really a bug but a feature suggestion
Very easy to implement. Open /cadmin/files/admincheckpadupdates.php and find:
Then add:
Open /cadmin/files/admindocheckpadupdates.php and find:
Then add:
That's it
Very easy to implement. Open /cadmin/files/admincheckpadupdates.php and find:
if( function_exists( "pspell_new" ) )
echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"input_dospellcheck\" value=\"" . $words_files[ 'SPELLING' ] . "\" />";
Then add:
echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"input_doignore\" value=\"Ignore this update\" />";
Open /cadmin/files/admindocheckpadupdates.php and find:
$input_dospellcheck = ( isset( $_POST[ 'input_dospellcheck' ] ) ) ? $security -> checkvar( $_POST[ 'input_dospellcheck' ] ) : "" ;
$input_security_hash = ( isset( $_POST[ 'input_security_hash' ] ) ) ? $security -> checkvar( $_POST[ 'input_security_hash' ] ) : "" ;
Then add:
$input_doignore = ( isset( $_POST[ 'input_doignore' ] ) ) ? $security -> checkvar( $_POST[ 'input_doignore' ] ) : "" ;
if( $input_doignore)
$html -> login( $words_files[ 'CHECK_PAD_UPDATES' ], "File ignored.", "index.php?action=checkpadupdates" );
That's it