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Hi. Need someone to do a template and integration jobb

klausre 0
From: -
Hi. Need someone to do a template and integration jobb

Hi. I like esselbach storyteller cms and are thinking of using it for my site but I ned someone to do the jobb. Is there any here ho can do this jobb (payed $$) or know someone/ some firm ho can do this jobb?

I'm looking for something like this site:

Regards, Klaus A.


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1 Re: Hi. Need someone to do a template and integration jobb
From: Austria
Hi. Need someone to do a template and integration jobb

I just looked at your site and it seems fairy easy to convert your layout to Storyteller. Unfortunately, I am far to busy to do a full conversion but if you need a few tips and tricks let me know.
1 Re: Hi. Need someone to do a template and integration jobb
OP 0
From: -
Hi. Need someone to do a template and integration jobb



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