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Forum integration for SMF2 issue

SteveL 7
From: -
I have the trial test site up and running nicely now and I have SMF2 installed in a separate db on the same server.

Both work fine until I integrate. Before doing that I can login to ContT and see my user name show where it should on the frontpage so I know that Im logged in. I can access the admin with the displayed Admin button links whatever. To access my smf2 forum I have to add smf to the end of my url and it all works fine once there.

Now, when I bring both together it all works as advertised and I can do pretty much whatever I like for example, embed the forum inside the ContT framework and I can use and display the Latest post block. But, and here is the problem, as soon as I integrate them I lose my login to the main site and there is no way that it will log me in. I qualify being logged in as seeing my name in the users online window. Also, I lose the Admin button link thingy at the same time. I can login to cadmin just fine and it recognizes me there just fine, thank god.

Any thoughts because I really like the look of the forum when it is nestled into the mainsite. I may be going to XenF at some point but not all people will be doing that so I would like to get this figured out if for no other reason than curiousity and perhaps someone in the future will have this concern as well.



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1 Re: Forum integration for SMF2 issue
From: Austria
But, and here is the problem, as soon as I integrate them I lose my login to the main site and there is no way that it will log me in. I qualify being logged in as seeing my name in the users online window. Also, I lose the Admin button link thingy at the same time. I can login to cadmin just fine and it recognizes me there just fine, thank god.

Contentteller is using the SMF user database for the front end. You should be able to login with your SMF username.

The admin backend (cadmin) is always using the Contentteller user database. This is a security measure in case something is going wrong.


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