Errors in file module when processing queue
cosmin 269
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1 Re: Errors in file module when processing queue
From: Austria
1342From: Austria
Should be also fixed by the updated 2.1.15 release.
The MySQL database server has returned 1054: Unknown column 'fileelated_id' in 'field list' while executing INSERT INTO ct2114esselbach_ct_filesrelated (fileelated_id, filerelated_file, filerelated_fileid, filerelated_author, filerelated_website, filerelated_name, filerelated_seo, filerelated_description, filerelated_date) VALUES (NULL, '1759', '1679', 'admin', '0', 'Nidesoft Zune Video Converter', 'nidesoft_zune_video_converter', 'Nidesoft Zune Video Converter is a powerful Zune movie converter software which could convert video and audio file to Zune formats:WMV, MP4, MPEG4 AVC.In addition,The Zune Video Converter software sup...', '2012-04-06 06:28:00')