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Dropdown menu field

insanetek 0
From: -
Dropdown menu field

When I make a new dropdown menu field and go to input the things that I want in the field on the review editing page all I get is a blank dropdown menu with no editable fields. Is there something else that I need to do?

I want to use the dropdown box as a page index like I currently have here:


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: Dropdown menu field
From: Austria
Dropdown menu field

Is it possible to have more than one dropdown menu on the same page? I tried it but the one outside of the "Table of Contents" is blank.

Yes, but you need to add a function in template review_header that get the pages list from the database:

Add after:


global $insert;

the following code:

$dropdown = "";

$pages = DBQuery("SELECT review_pagesub, review_page FROM esselbach_st_review WHERE review_id='$insert[review_id]'");
while(list($subject,$page) = mysql_fetch_row($pages))
if ($subject)
$dropdown .= "<option value="review.php?id=$insert[review_id]&page=$page">$page - $subject";

Now, you can add everywhere in the HTML part of this template the dropdown menu:


<select name="url" size="1" OnChange="location.href=form.url.options[form.url.selectedIndex].value" class="smallform_input">

Also, how can I remove the "Table of Contents" altogether? (It doesn't fit with my design)

This is in template review_overview_header.

A tip: Take a look at the source code of your website. You find there all template names as comment outs.
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
OP 0
From: -
Dropdown menu field

Is it possible to have more than one dropdown menu on the same page? I tried it but the one outside of the "Table of Contents" is blank. Also, how can I remove the "Table of Contents" altogether? (It doesn't fit with my design)
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
From: Austria
Dropdown menu field

Fixed. There was a white space character after $EST_TEMPLATE = <<TEMPLATE in two templates.
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
From: Austria
Dropdown menu field

Originally posted by insanetek:
I gave it a try but whenever I add page subjects to more than one page the review page is blank from the review text and the right sidebar to the footer.

Please send me a private message with the location of your installation and I will look into it tomorrow.

Originally posted by insanetek:
Also is there a way to make the extra fields on the first review page be consistent with the other pages from the same review?

Yes, this is possible with a small modification in review.php


                    if ($ads)                                 

$insert[download_text] = DoAds($insert[download_text]);

and add:

                    $query = DBQuery("SELECT review_extra1, review_extra2, review_extra3, review_extra4, review_extra5, review_extra6, review_extra7, review_extra8, review_extra9, review_extra10, review_extra11, review_extra12, review_extra13, review_extra14, review_extra15, review_extra16, review_extra17, review_extra18, review_extra19, review_extra20 FROM esselbach_st_review WHERE review_id = '$id' AND review_page = '1'");

list($insert['review_extra1'], $insert['review_extra2'], $insert['review_extra3'], $insert['review_extra4'], $insert['review_extra5'], $insert['review_extra6'], $insert['review_extra7'], $insert['review_extra8'], $insert['review_extra9'], $insert['review_extra10'], $insert['review_extra11'], $insert['review_extra12'], $insert['review_extra13'], $insert['review_extra14'], $insert['review_extra15'], $insert['review_extra16'], $insert['review_extra17'], $insert['review_extra18'], $insert['review_extra19'], $insert['review_extra20']) = mysql_fetch_row($query);
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
OP 0
From: -
Dropdown menu field

Also is there a way to make the extra fields on the first review page be consistent with the other pages from the same review?
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
OP 0
From: -
Dropdown menu field

I gave it a try but whenever I add page subjects to more than one page the review page is blank from the review text and the right sidebar to the footer.
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
OP 0
From: -
Dropdown menu field

Thanks! I'll give it a try
1 Re: Dropdown menu field
From: Austria
Dropdown menu field

The easiest way to doing this is using the review_overview_* templates



global $insert;
<!-- Template review_overview_header -->
<div align="center">
<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Page Index: </font><form>
<select name="url" size="1" OnChange="location.href=form.url.options[form.url.selectedIndex].value" class="smallform_input">




global $insert;
<!-- Template review_overview_list -->
<option value="review.php?id=$insert[review_id]&page=$insert[review_pageid]">$insert[review_pageid] - $insert[review_pagesubject]



global $insert;
<!-- Template review_overview_footer -->

To set the title of each review page: Review => Add or Edit => Page Subject (optional)


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