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CT doesn't recognize data imported using PHPMyAdmin

cosmin 269
From: -
I exported all the tables between ct2114esselbach_ct_files and ct2114esselbach_ct_filesundo and I imported them into a different installation of CT. The problem is they are not visible after import.
in the cadmin interface, nor on the public part of the website (the one viewed by visitors). The file queue is empty, the frontpage is empty, and the only file that is visible in cadmin/manage files and on the frontpage is the one which was added manually by me.


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Responses to this topic

1 Re: CT doesn't recognize data imported using PHPMyAdmin
From: Austria
Maybe your second installation is using a different prefix?
1 Re: CT doesn't recognize data imported using PHPMyAdmin
OP 269
From: -
The data is definitely there, the panel in cadmin even says that the DB is 23 MB in size, but the data doesn't show up.


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