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Contentteller 3.0.8 released

From: Austria
Contentteller 3.0.8 with multiple enhancements and bug fixes is now available:

Version 3.0.8 (2020-10-23)

  • Fixed an issue where the integrated cookie consent check is enabled even though it is set to disabled
  • Updated the website settings module to updated all checksums after a full domain changes
  • Updating the settings will automatically clear the HTML cache
  • Fixed a problem in the multi website setup where the "All" setting defaults to the first website
  • Disabled webp option in both PHP 5.6 and 7.0 because webp support is incomplete in the older versions of PHP and may result in broken images
  • Added filter for MB4 characters to the post function of the forums integration to prevent broken characters on some forums
  • Fixed a problem with the integrations postings block
  • Cleaned up and updated Invision Community integration with support for version 4.5
  • Cleanup up and updated UBB.threads integration with support for version 7.7
  • Removing content in acquire will now also remove all associated attachments
  • Optimized the SQL queries for the statistics
  • Fixed an issue with the daily stats under MariaDB/MySQL
  • Added support for multiple instances of publish carousel on the same page
  • Added an option for news editors to edit all contents in the publish module
  • Added a place holders description box to the edit and merge template pages
  • Added a redirection after editing/merging a template to the template category
  • Fixed issues in the forums integration (integrations forums, integrations postings) blocks
  • Added additional filters to the RSS/ATOM importer to convert some special HTML entities


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