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Channel article sorting

ReviewStud 135
From: -
Channel article sorting

Is there a way to sort the news articles in each channel by the article's title and not by the date posted?


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1 Re: Channel article sorting
From: -
Open modules/news/newschannels.php in an editor and find:

              $query = $database -> dbquery( "SELECT newsstory_id, newsstory_author, newsstory_channels, newsstory_title, newsstory_seo, newsstory_story, newsstory_extendedstory, newsstory_link, newsstory_tags, newsstory_teaser, newsstory_comments, newsstory_thread, newsstory_date, newsstory_fields, newsstory_views, newsstory_rating, newsstory_votes, newsstory_source, newsstory_sourceid FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_newsstories WHERE newsstory_channels LIKE ('%" . $key . "%') AND " . $newsstory_status . " AND (newsstory_website = '0' OR newsstory_website = '" . $preferences[ 'current_website' ] . "')" . $news_expire_sql . " ORDER BY newsstory_id DESC LIMIT " . intval( $stories ) );

Then replace this line with:

         $query = $database -> dbquery( "SELECT newsstory_id, newsstory_author, newsstory_channels, newsstory_title, newsstory_seo, newsstory_story, newsstory_extendedstory, newsstory_link, newsstory_tags, newsstory_teaser, newsstory_comments, newsstory_thread, newsstory_date, newsstory_fields, newsstory_views, newsstory_rating, newsstory_votes, newsstory_source, newsstory_sourceid FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_newsstories WHERE newsstory_channels LIKE ('%" . $key . "%') AND " . $newsstory_status . " AND (newsstory_website = '0' OR newsstory_website = '" . $preferences[ 'current_website' ] . "')" . $news_expire_sql . " ORDER BY newsstory_title LIMIT " . intval( $stories ) );


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