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Change teaser image dimensions?

Chris500 0
From: -
Change teaser image dimensions?

I've been looking for a while but can't seem to find an option to alter the defauly size of the teaser image?

Any pointers?


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1 Re: Change teaser image dimensions?
From: Austria
Change teaser image dimensions?

The teaser images have usual the size of the original uploaded image. You could alter the size by adding width/height arguments in the following line of the template story:

if ($insert[story_teaser]) $teaserline = "<img src="$insert[story_teaserpath]/images/teaser/$insert[story_teaser]" border="0" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10">";

Here an example:

if ($insert[story_teaser]) $teaserline = "<img src="$insert[story_teaserpath]/images/teaser/$insert[story_teaser]" width="100" height="100"  border="0" align="right" hspace="10" vspace="10">";


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