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Any way to deal with multiple users registering from the same IP?

cosmin 269
From: -
I've got one such character that has about 25 accounts with the same registration IP.
Edit: I should have specified it is users registering to submit PAD files.


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1 Re: Any way to deal with multiple users registering from the same IP?
From: Austria
Ok, here another quick modification.

Open /modules/users/userdoregistration.php and find:
    $insert[ 'page_keywords' ] = $preferences[ 'website_keywords' ];
$ipaddr = $system -> getip();
$error_message = "";

Then add:
    $query = $database -> dbquery( "SELECT user_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "esselbach_ct_users WHERE user_regip = '" . $ipaddr . "' ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 100" );
if( $database -> dbrows( $query ))
$error_message = "<h1>Error</h1><div class=\"content\">A user with this IP address has been already registered recently.</div><br />";

This will check the last 100 registered users for the same IP address
1 Re: Any way to deal with multiple users registering from the same IP?
OP 269
From: -
1 Re: Any way to deal with multiple users registering from the same IP?
From: Austria
Are you using the forum integration?


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