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Date: 2024-12-22 19:40 | Last update:

Installation and Upgrade General Questions Troubleshooting and Problems Feedback and Suggestions Import Templates and Styles Modules and Blocks Deutsch PHP, HTML and Website Design Server Configuration Site Showcase The Lounge

Topic Information
Remove "File Attachments" from news
Remove "File Attachments" from newsHow to remove File Attachments fields from the bottom of news editor?
error General Questions 916
Site Privacy Policy
Site Privacy PolicyHow do I show link to privacy policy on site?
error Templates and Styles 54
KomentareHallo Herr Esselbach,Die Regestrierung bei dem bei unserer 2.0.4 Community Edition haben wir abgestellt, dadurch erscheint unter den Komentaren von Usern:"nicht regestriert" kann man das ...
alfonso Deutsch 60
Smiley Grafiken werden nicht im Frontend angezeigt
Smiley Grafiken werden nicht im Frontend angezeigtMeine Fragen häufen sich ... :-)Also wenn ich Nachrichten oder Artikel schreibe, kann ich ja auch Smileys hinzufügen. Nur erscheinen die nach dem abspeiche ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Contentteller 2.0.4 released
Contentteller 2.0.4 releasedContentteller 2.0.4 has been released today and is available on the usual locations. This release is a bit earlier available then it was originally planned because of two reason ...
Philipp Esselbach Feedback and Suggestions 124
Latest hardware news block not updating
Latest hardware news block not updatingAs title says. When i post news in hardware section, latest hardware news block not updating. It also comes to my attention that latest news block update takes long t ...
error Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Poll Block Modification
Poll Block ModificationAs requested by Error, this modification of the news poll block allows your visitors to vote directly from the poll block rather then going to the news story page.To redirect back to ...
Philipp Esselbach Modules and Blocks 16
Exclude some forums from latest forum posts?
Exclude some forums from latest forum posts?How to exclude some forums being showed up in latest forum posts block?
error Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Site load and CMS
Site load and CMSStats 3329 users onlineLoad Averages: 1.02, 0.97, 1.01 Server Time/Uptime: 14:00:32 up 125 days Nice
error Feedback and Suggestions 124
embed adsense in article
embed adsense in articleHow to embed adsense in a left uper corner of an article?
error Templates and Styles 54
Unterkategorie eingerückt darstellen
Unterkategorie eingerückt darstellenGuten Tag,ist es möglich, zb. in der Wissensdatenbank, die Unterkategorie im Block eingerückt darzustellen.Derzeit sieht es zb. so aus:|Wissensdatenbank-Block |Kategorie ...
Walter Deutsch 60
"Approve / Reject all" submission problem.
"Approve / Reject all" submission problem.I've just started to have this problem with my 'submission page'. When I select article/s for rejection or approval it gives me the normal "This wou ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Admin password changes
Admin password changesHow does an admin change their password if we are using the vbulletin wrapper?I can only see a way to do it via me just resetting them manually.
rasp1 General Questions 916
content page not working properly
content page not working properlyGet Your Game OnIt is the same for the other managed sites. It gives an error saying that there are no pages in the database, but there are.Not sure what todo.
rasp1 Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Update auf Firefox 3.5. bringt veränderte Darstellung beim Contentteller
Update auf Firefox 3.5. bringt veränderte Darstellung beim ContenttellerHallo ...eben habe ich von Firefox 3.0.11 auf 3.5 geupt. Nun sind alle Links im Menü-Bereich, also die Text-Links ebenso wie die Text ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Is it true really huge CMS?
Is it true really huge CMS?Hi, I'm totally new with Contentteller, even I've just heard a couple hours ago while searching through Google, BTW I have a basic question, is it really Contentteller can handle ...
tuzz General Questions 916
Registrieren geht nicht mehr nach upgrade auf Professional Edition 2.0.4
Registrieren geht nicht mehr nach upgrade auf Professional Edition 2.0.4Soeben erst bemerkt, dass ich mich als neuen User (Cache und Cookies gelöscht) nach dem upgrade von Professional Edition 2.0.3 auf 2. ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
User Avatar problem
User Avatar problemI am trying to upload an avatar to my user, but I just got this error. BODY> Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was enc ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
404 errors all over
404 errors all overHi Philipp, I upgraded to 2.0.4 by overwriting the old files and running cupgrade.php My host says that it supports .htacess but even with search friendly URLs disabled I get page not fo ...
cosmin Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Frage zur Forum-Integration SMF 1.1.9
Frage zur Forum-Integration SMF 1.1.9Frage 1:Im Admin v. Contentteller -> Berarbeite Websitehabe ich u.a. bei "Integrationsscripte:"SMF 1.1 und SMF 2.0 zur Auswahl stehn. Ich habe im Moment SM ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Article Contributed by {$insert['newsstory_source']}?
Article Contributed by {$insert}?I am trying to figure out how I can add the line "Article Contributed by {$insert}" to or after the news_story_link in each article, but I need it to pull the new ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
Contentteller 2.0.4 verfügbar
Contentteller 2.0.4 verfügbarContentteller 2.0.4 steht jetzt zum Download zur Verfügung. Dieses Release würde etwas früher als ursprünglich geplant veröffentlicht, da:1) Zwei XSS Schwachstellen im Supportm ...
Philipp Esselbach Deutsch 60
FLV-Player bei den Downloads (Files) einbinden
FLV-Player bei den Downloads (Files) einbindenHallo...ich nutze den Download-Bereich beim Contentteller für Videos.Nun würde ich gerne einen Player (FLV) einbinden, bei dem die User nicht etwas nachinstall ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Manage Automated Tasks
Manage Automated TasksWhat does this section enable me to do?I notice inside there is: RSS News Import - it is not active along with the rest of the items.Please can you explain?
mishima General Questions 916
Load average doesn't show up
Load average doesn't show upYou are running PHP version 5.2.8 (apache2handler) and MySQL 5.1.30 Load Averages: Server Time/Uptime: 07:53:02 up 103 daysThat's what i get. Load averages missing.
error General Questions 916
In keiner Version ein Forum drin?
In keiner Version ein Forum drin?Hallo Herr Esselbach,wahrscheinlich habe ich mal wieder etwas überlesen, doch ich frage trotzdem ;)In keiner Version von Contentteller ist so wie beim Storyteller ein Forum ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Wo ändere ich die Bezeichnung "Programme"?
Wo ändere ich die Bezeichnung "Programme"?Ich würde gerne die für meine Zwecke etwas irreführende Bezeichnung "Programme" gegen "Videos" für den Download-Bereich austauschen.W ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Datei hochladen in Programmen
Datei hochladen in ProgrammenFolgende Meldung bekomme ich, wenn ich eine 2.7 MB grosse .wmv-Datei im Adminmenü unter "weiteres" im Anhang hochladen möchte: Datei #1: Fehler: Diese Datei ist zu gr ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Remove software news from frontpage
Remove software news from frontpageUpon importing news from old cms a lot of software news was imported on frontpage news.frontpage channel ID: 1 software channel ID: 2how to remove software news from fron ...
error Import 6
Installiert im Unterordner. Dadurch Links falsch
Installiert im Unterordner. Dadurch Links falschHallo!Ich habe alles wie beschrieben installiert und soweit hat auch alles geklappt.Nur habe ich alles in einen Unterordner rein. Dadurch stimmen alle Verlin ...
Mikelinos Deutsch 60
Remove "Read article" from article sumary
Remove "Read article" from article sumaryHow do I do that? Thanks
error General Questions 916
Bing Versus Google
Bing Versus GoogleHello, I just registered this forum while surfing and I’m curious about what you think about Bing.According to some news it already started to overtake Yahoo. But it seems to me they can’ ...
OKahra The Lounge 7
IFrame and content page issues
IFrame and content page issuesI created content page and put iframe in it and it doesn't work.
error General Questions 916
Custom changes carrying over to new versions
Custom changes carrying over to new versionsSome of these changes I made to my installation will be lost once a new version comes out?
rasp1 General Questions 916
Teaser Image erroring out
Teaser Image erroring outThis has just started today when I try and add a teaser image to a news story: Error: The file type is not on the list of the allowed image types.And these aren't some off the wall ...
rasp1 Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Zero hits search page
Zero hits search pageWhen I do an article search on my site, occasionally I hit a keyword that won't find any articles, but instead of it showing me a "zero articles page", it displays a page wit ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
How to upload large files
How to upload large filesIt seems like the web based interface of the cms is crapping out when I try and upload a video file to a news article that is 20 MB is size. I went into the file types and added th ...
rasp1 General Questions 916
Article/Review Counter for Main page?
Article/Review Counter for Main page?I'll post this in the "Feedback and Suggestions" thread, but is there a way to create a counter on the main page that taunts of how many "news articles/r ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
Item/News displayed on some but not all sites
Item/News displayed on some but not all sitesI asked for this in the storyteller, and you told me it wasn't possible. Though it would be possible in ContentTeller. I would like to be able to post one artic ...
rasp1 General Questions 916
Problem with editing templates.
Problem with editing templates.I am trouble with editing the templates.When I make a change and save it the backup is saved but the changes are not, the page refreshes to show a blank for the html part.I t ...
burtm10 Templates and Styles 54
Suggestion: Reject/Approve button for each article in the 'Submission Queue'.
Suggestion: Reject/Approve button for each article in the 'Submission Queue'.It would be helpful if there were a 'rejected' and 'approved' buttons inside each article's properties in the 'submission queue' ...
ReviewStud Feedback and Suggestions 124
Comment section selection
Comment section selectionI set up a specific fora just for comments to be made in the forums, but it doesn't show up in the list of available fora for comments. I would like to be able to just hard code it ...
rasp1 General Questions 916
Google analytic code
Google analytic codeI just tried to add the google analytics code in, but it seems to put the one code in for the template across all sites. Will I have to make a different template for each site and inser ...
rasp1 General Questions 916
Smilie Problem
Smilie ProblemI know if the worst problem I am having is smilies not showing up once their articles are submitted is not a 'really' bad problem to have. But it is a strange problem to have. I can see the s ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Just upgraded from Storyteller
Just upgraded from StorytellerI just unsucessfully upgraded from Storyteller. It gave me the success and that everything was alright, but when I visit the page, I get this. (points to the attachment) The c ...
rasp1 Installation and Upgrade 27
RSS import count from newsgroups
RSS import count from newsgroupsThe lowest number of RSS articles one source can pull is 10. I have modified the "admineditsource.php" and the "adminaddnewsource.php" files, but the new ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
How-to: Go live with my new CT site?
How-to: Go live with my new CT site?I am to the point where I'd like to launch my CT based site. I have been building my CT site in a sub-directory (, but my current index.html file i ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
Latest news block. (hyperlinking news)
Latest news block. (hyperlinking news)allright, i have been searching this one from everywhere.So, i have a sort of "opening page" on my sites: Clan Steatorrhoea - Now That's /b/tard!And i would ...
Arucard- Modules and Blocks 16
Suggestion: Which RSS articles to import base on their "publish date".
Suggestion: Which RSS articles to import base on their "publish date".I was thinking about the amount of RSS articles the feed importer gathers and how some sites don't publish many articles per ...
ReviewStud Feedback and Suggestions 124
Contentteller 2.0.3 (2008.3) released
Contentteller 2.0.3 (2008.3) releasedContentteller 2.0.3 has been released today. Starting with this release, Contenteller will be released under the original version numbering again.Another thing that has ...
Philipp Esselbach Feedback and Suggestions 124

Below an overview of this week's postings. Found an interesting posting? Don't hesitate to register and post a reply.
1 Re: Contentteller 3.0.27 released
From: -
Are any of your websites running CT4? Would like to see working example Smiling Face

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Category Name Latest
Installation and Upgrade 27

Need help installing or upgrading Contentteller? This is the place to ask

Installation and Upgrade

import rss feed
upgrading from 2 to 3
Upgrade from 21x to 3x Guide
The MySQL database server has returned 1060: Duplicate column name 'newsfile_status' while executing
General Questions 916

Having questions about your Contentteller installation? Post it here.

General Questions

Account blocked as soon as I registered
Will there be new versions of Contentteller?
2.1.18 Update #5: Acquire PHP 7.x Support
2.1.18 Update #4: Forum Integrations PHP 7.x Update
Troubleshooting and Problems 156

If you are having any problems with Contentteller post them here

Troubleshooting and Problems

Where's the Contentteller CMS System file in the Zip folder
Problem with search files
Large database
Gallery screenshots
Feedback and Suggestions 124

Use this forum to post your opinion on Contentteller

Feedback and Suggestions

Contentteller 3.0.27 released
Contentteller 3.0.26 released
Contentteller 3.0.25 released
Contentteller 3.0.24 released
Import 6

Use this forum if you need help with Acquire, an import module to import the data from other applications to Contentteller


Import from Wordpress?
need a bit of help with import and a few others
Editing Admin Section
Remove software news from frontpage
Templates and Styles 54

Do you have templates or styles you want to share? Need help with customizing? Post it here

Templates and Styles

Suggestion for bookmarking services
Import templates from XML file doesn't work
Rounded corners
Add a link to the navigation bar
Modules and Blocks 16

Use this forum to talk about modules and blocks

Modules and Blocks

Create Custom modules
Block syntax
New Forum Topics Block
Deutsch 60


Contentteller 2.1.18 verfügbar
Contentteller 2.1.17 verfügbar
Contentteller 2.1.16 verfügbar
ist für die aktuelle Version nach wie vor framework notwendig?
PHP, HTML and Website Design 2

Talk here about website design and get help with PHP and HTML

PHP, HTML and Website Design

Usability is Important for You to Achieve Your Purpose
Adding more 'Social Links' to CT.
Server Configuration 1

A forum for server related questions such as PHP or database optimizing help

Server Configuration

Mysql user rights
Site Showcase 3

Running Contentteller? Then use this forum to showcase your website and get feedback.

Site Showcase

The Lounge 7

A forum for anything you want to talk

The Lounge

totally unrelated: Progeny Debian Linux 1.0 Newton
So WHY you banned me??
Could you please help with questionnaire about CMS:), please get involved, Thank You
Hi to any of the XenForo gang....