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Date: 2024-12-23 00:16 | Last update:

Installation and Upgrade General Questions Troubleshooting and Problems Feedback and Suggestions Import Templates and Styles Modules and Blocks Deutsch PHP, HTML and Website Design Server Configuration Site Showcase The Lounge

Topic Information
Suggestion: Article counter for Main page.
Suggestion: Article counter for Main page.Is there a way to create a counter on the main page that taunts of how many "news articles/reviews" you have you have posted except for one channel?Thanks,
ReviewStud Feedback and Suggestions 124
Manage Advertisements
Manage AdvertisementsI created some test campaigns but they are not showing in frontend. Are there any suggestions? I tried with simple text and html. :confused:
Pinco Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Add News Story file?
Add News Story file?Where is the "add news story" file? I'd like to move the news link field on the "add news story" page closer to the top page, but I can't find the file.
ReviewStud General Questions 916
Individual Channel Articles Sorting?
Individual Channel Articles Sorting?How can I sort only the articles in my "news" channel by the date they were posted? Newest articles on top then older articles below.The rest of my channels ar ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
Problem in "Links"
Problem in "Links"I have a problem in "Links."LINK CATEGORY Alink 01link 02link 03link 04 LINK CATEGORY Blink 05link 06link 07link 08 LINK CATEGORY Clink 09link 10link 11link 12Other li ...
k2k4 Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Nick name included in username/display name?
Nick name included in username/display name?HelloIs there any way that I could have the nickname displayed inside the username of people posting articles?For example: 'John "Killer Smith'I have tried ...
mishima General Questions 916
2.0.3: Edit Admin Users
2.0.3: Edit Admin UsersThis update fixes a SQL error while editing admin usernames with quotes.Included files: Updated: cadmin/users/
Philipp Esselbach General Questions 916
Contentteller 2.0.3 (2008.3) verfügbar
Contentteller 2.0.3 (2008.3) verfügbarContentteller 2.0.3 wurde Heute veröffentlicht. Beginnend mit dieser Version wird Contentteller wieder unter der ursprünglichen Versionsnummerierung veröffentlicht.Die ...
Philipp Esselbach Deutsch 60
Installed Contentteller using german
Installed Contentteller using germanTo see what the language works like. Switched it to English, but the frontpage is still in German. I tried clearing the cache, but still only the admin section is now in ...
cosmin General Questions 916
admineditqueuestory.phpHi. It seams i've found a typo which makes all the text in the Edit Queue Story page clickable (to the edit submitter user page). admineditqueuestory.phpif( $input_newsstory_sourceid ...
Pinco Feedback and Suggestions 124
Frontend submit news (LINK)
Frontend submit news (LINK)Hello. First of all compliments for the CMS. Is there a way to make not mandatory the "Link" submission in the front-end "Submit News"? The same, in the back- ...
Pinco Troubleshooting and Problems 156
How-to disable "Bump this news story" option.
How-to disable "Bump this news story" option.When I go to edit a news story, this option is always highlighted. I always forget to deselect it before I submit the story. Is there a way to reverse ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
User Submitted Article bug in submission queue
User Submitted Article bug in submission queueI've across a little user submission error. Whether it is a CT bug or only a problem on my site, I wanted to bring it up.The problem seems to be when a registe ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Any date of new CT Pro release
Any date of new CT Pro releaseAs title says.
error General Questions 916
How do I link to an image in another section?
How do I link to an image in another section?How do I link/include an image in an article which has been uploaded in the "content" section on a content page? If I use the commandit calls up the 4 ...
mishima General Questions 916
question about news_archive and sitemap
question about news_archive and sitemap:p It's my good luck to find this great script. I am studying with community edition.:confused: My problems for the moments are:1) After "ForceType" and &qu ...
k2k4 Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Brand/Copyright on images
Brand/Copyright on imagesHello,Is there a way the system can brand each image on a review/article with a logo image?I have tried using the text branding in the preferences and it doesn't look at all good. ...
mishima General Questions 916
Auto attached source name to news article title?
Auto attached source name to news article title?Is there a way to auto-attach the source name to the news title of the articles it imports? Example:RSS Imported Story: "Intel Core i7 Processor Review& ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
neue websites anlegen
neue websites anlegenhallo support,bitte um lösung. da wir eine 99 seiten lizenz haben, möchte ich mehrere websites anlegen. damit der ganze vorgang schneller geht hab ich ein verzeichnis dupliziert und wo ...
neumeister General Questions 916
Module Addition?
Module Addition?Is there a way to add a "Jump to website" link to the top of the CADMIN next to the "MAIN", "ARTICLES", "SUPPORT", and "MISC."?
ReviewStud Modules and Blocks 16
RSS Import Failing
RSS Import FailingI'm trying to figure out why CT isn't importing RSS News Feeds. I have them setup under sources. Under Scheduled Tasks, RSS News Import is scheduled to run every hour, but it doesn't look ...
ManagerJosh Troubleshooting and Problems 156
RSS Importing duplicates
RSS Importing duplicatesI have several RSS feeds setup to import articles manually, but it seems that it is importing stories that I have already "rejected" or "approved". Is this norma ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
How to change articles index dropdown list
How to change articles index dropdown listHello,This is something that kinda bugs me. When you go to the drop down list (TABLE OF CONTENTS) for an article, and select a page the system takes you there but ...
mishima General Questions 916
Importing news articles question.
Importing news articles question.I have a problem. I have probably a few thousand reviews with links on my old non-CT site. They are not in a database, just text with hyperlinks. Is there a way to do a bat ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
Enable security code for comments?
Enable security code for comments?I have this enabled in the new preferences, but don't know how to set this up in the php GD library. Does anyone have any pointers to make this security feature work?
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Commenting Error
Commenting ErrorI logged into my site (not the CADMIN section, but the actual site) to test out the "Vote" and "Comment" feature on a news article, but I get this error at the top of th ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Video Icon in Article Title?
Video Icon in Article Title?Is there a way to add an icon at the end of the article title or next to the "Comments" to signal that there is video attached to the article. This could be an option ...
ReviewStud General Questions 916
invalid activation code
invalid activation codeI added a storyteller to a site that uses the files in a directory called /site/within the root directory.Thus in the config we show it as hav ...
awebstore General Questions 916
Upgrade to 2008.2
Upgrade to 2008.2How do I upgrade? I thought I was supposed to go to cadmin/cupgrade.php. This redirects me to cinstall.php. I did upload all the new files. Am I doing something wrong?
cosmin Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Quick Menu Templates site
Quick Menu Templates siteI found a site that you can virtually build a CSS menu for your website. The only hickup is that is adds a pop-up in IE that tells people where you built that fine menu of yours. S ...
ReviewStud The Lounge 7
Contact us module?
Contact us module?There is no contact us module in CT?
error Modules and Blocks 16
Class_templates.php Error
Class_templates.php ErrorI've started to get this error at the top of my site. Not sure what it is referring to. Once I refresh the page it goes away, but comes back maybe a few pages later. When this erro ...
ReviewStud Troubleshooting and Problems 156
A few questions
A few questionsHi there,I have a few questions to ask if someone could answer that'd be great.1. Adding content about us, privacy, terms and conditions does not add an imprint anywhere. How do I see the im ...
mishima General Questions 916
Channel article sorting
Channel article sortingIs there a way to sort the news articles in each channel by the article's title and not by the date posted?
ReviewStud Templates and Styles 54
News Link to open new window?
News Link to open new window?How can you change it so when you click on an article's"news link" it opens up a new window or "_blank"?
ReviewStud Templates and Styles 54
How to add another advertisement block?
How to add another advertisement block?I've copied and renamed "advertisment_block_2.php" to "advertisement_block_3.php".Plus, copied and renamed the "input_website_advertisement_b ...
ReviewStud Modules and Blocks 16
Side by Side article/news blocks?
Side by Side article/news blocks?Is it possible to have news or article blocks side by side? Take a look at what I currently have for wordpress: UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENACould this be done with Contenteller? I ...
comtech Templates and Styles 54
Suggestion: Ad Scheduling Idea
Suggestion: Ad Scheduling IdeaI've seen this function on my old radio station's website. You could schedule when an ad campaign starts, ends, and what ad position on the site the ad would run in. Plus, you ...
ReviewStud Feedback and Suggestions 124
Default Mirror links are not shown in file downloads File
Default Mirror links are not shown in file downloads Filetrying contentteller, I have a query,please tell me where "Default Mirror" links will be shown ? I mean I had added few links in Files Pre ...
securitywonks General Questions 916
Contentteller 2008.2 released
Contentteller 2008.2 releasedBoth Contentteller Professional and Business Edition 2008.2 are now available in the members' areaChanges since 2008.1: Version 2008.2 (2009-02-28) - Fixed a logout issue in t ...
Philipp Esselbach Feedback and Suggestions 124
Is there a way...Channels & Story sections.
Is there a way...Channels & Story sections.1. Is there a way to limit which news channels are displayed as content on the index page? I want to use all of them except for my "News" channel feed.2 ...
ReviewStud Templates and Styles 54
Getting Started
Getting StartedI want to get started using the product to manage the content of my existing site.The install ran fine.Now what?I'd like to add a managed page to the site.I use Dreamweaver for my editor.Is ...
mmaz230 General Questions 916
Style not updating
Style not updatingI've been setting up the styles on my site, but I don't see the changes. I can see the changes I've made on the "Instant Style Editor", but not on the index or other pages. If i ...
ReviewStud Templates and Styles 54
Latest news category(s) block
Latest news category(s) blockI have latest news block. It is pulled from all categories. What I want is pull news from specific news category like software, hardware, gadgets etc.Latest Software News Lates ...
error Modules and Blocks 16
Menu Customization
Menu CustomizationI just installed Contenteller (great install).I now want to move the main menu to the top of the page like the way your website displays it.I have not yet discovered a way to do this.Also ...
cajazzer General Questions 916
Acquire 1.0 Beta 2 available
Acquire 1.0 Beta 2 availableThe second beta of Acquire 1.0 is now available.Acquire is an import module for the Contentteller content management system to import existing databases to the Contentteller pla ...
Philipp Esselbach Feedback and Suggestions 124
Frage zur Datenbank
Frage zur DatenbankHallo,bei der Installtaion ist mir folgendes aufgefallen:Installiere ich contentteller in eine eigene Datenbank, klappt das mit dem Import der User aus vBulletin nicht. Die User-Loginsei ...
PeterXP Deutsch 60
Can not attach an audio file to a content page
Can not attach an audio file to a content pageHello, thank you for the software, the soft works really great.But I am having a problem when I attach a 4,3 MB WMA to a content page. The progress bar at the ...
Grachev Troubleshooting and Problems 156
Contentteller Community Edition 1.0.3 verfügbar
Contentteller Community Edition 1.0.3 verfügbarContentteller Community Edition 1.0.3 steht jetzt zur VerfügungÄnderungen seit 1.0.2:- Ein Problem mit dem Logout wurde in den vBulletin 3.7/3.8 Integrationss ...
Philipp Esselbach Deutsch 60
Contentteller Community Edition 1.0.3 released
Contentteller Community Edition 1.0.3 releasedContentteller Community Edition 1.0.3 is now available. This is another maintenance release that includes all updates from the commercial 2008.2 releases.Versi ...
Philipp Esselbach Feedback and Suggestions 124

Below an overview of this week's postings. Found an interesting posting? Don't hesitate to register and post a reply.
1 Re: Contentteller 3.0.27 released
From: -
Are any of your websites running CT4? Would like to see working example Smiling Face

Jump to Post

Category Name Latest
Installation and Upgrade 27

Need help installing or upgrading Contentteller? This is the place to ask

Installation and Upgrade

import rss feed
upgrading from 2 to 3
Upgrade from 21x to 3x Guide
The MySQL database server has returned 1060: Duplicate column name 'newsfile_status' while executing
General Questions 916

Having questions about your Contentteller installation? Post it here.

General Questions

Account blocked as soon as I registered
Will there be new versions of Contentteller?
2.1.18 Update #5: Acquire PHP 7.x Support
2.1.18 Update #4: Forum Integrations PHP 7.x Update
Troubleshooting and Problems 156

If you are having any problems with Contentteller post them here

Troubleshooting and Problems

Where's the Contentteller CMS System file in the Zip folder
Problem with search files
Large database
Gallery screenshots
Feedback and Suggestions 124

Use this forum to post your opinion on Contentteller

Feedback and Suggestions

Contentteller 3.0.27 released
Contentteller 3.0.26 released
Contentteller 3.0.25 released
Contentteller 3.0.24 released
Import 6

Use this forum if you need help with Acquire, an import module to import the data from other applications to Contentteller


Import from Wordpress?
need a bit of help with import and a few others
Editing Admin Section
Remove software news from frontpage
Templates and Styles 54

Do you have templates or styles you want to share? Need help with customizing? Post it here

Templates and Styles

Suggestion for bookmarking services
Import templates from XML file doesn't work
Rounded corners
Add a link to the navigation bar
Modules and Blocks 16

Use this forum to talk about modules and blocks

Modules and Blocks

Create Custom modules
Block syntax
New Forum Topics Block
Deutsch 60


Contentteller 2.1.18 verfügbar
Contentteller 2.1.17 verfügbar
Contentteller 2.1.16 verfügbar
ist für die aktuelle Version nach wie vor framework notwendig?
PHP, HTML and Website Design 2

Talk here about website design and get help with PHP and HTML

PHP, HTML and Website Design

Usability is Important for You to Achieve Your Purpose
Adding more 'Social Links' to CT.
Server Configuration 1

A forum for server related questions such as PHP or database optimizing help

Server Configuration

Mysql user rights
Site Showcase 3

Running Contentteller? Then use this forum to showcase your website and get feedback.

Site Showcase

The Lounge 7

A forum for anything you want to talk

The Lounge

totally unrelated: Progeny Debian Linux 1.0 Newton
So WHY you banned me??
Could you please help with questionnaire about CMS:), please get involved, Thank You
Hi to any of the XenForo gang....